Sixty-two congregations sent representatives to the meeting of the Alliance of Reformed Churches held in Chicago from November 17 to November 19, 1992. Although most of the churches present came from the CRC areas of Ontario, Chicago, west Michigan and northwest Iowa. some delegates traveled from as far away as Idaho and Florida. Fifty-one of […]
The annual meeting of the Alliance of Reformed Churches was convened on November 15, 1994, at the Lynwood Christian Reformed Church Independent of Lynwood, Illinois. More than sixty churches were represented by delegates. Several churches had sent official observers. Greetings were brought by the fraternal delegates of churches whose interest in the Alliance has been […]
Classis llliana Overtures CRC Synod to Disenfranchise Classis Grand Rapids East for Ecclesiastical Disobedience MUNSTER, IN (January 17, 1995) RBPS – If the Christian Reformed churches of the southeast Chicago suburbs have their way, an entire classis of the Christian Reformed denomination will see its delegates banned from voting at synod due to its support […]