Reprobation and Boer’s Gravamen Dr. Harry Boer submitted to the 1977 CRC Synod a gravamen in which at the outset he states: “I submit herewith for synodical examination and adjudication a gravamen against the Reformed doctrine of reprobation as taught notably in the Canons of Dort, Chapter I, Article 6 and Chapter I, Article 15 […]

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Reprobation and Boer’s Gravamen

Dr. Harry Boer submitted to the 1977 CRC Synod a gravamen in which at the outset he states: “I submit herewith for synodical examination and adjudication a gravamen against the Reformed doctrine of reprobation as taught notably in the Canons of Dort, Chapter I, Article 6 and Chapter I, Article 15 . . .” In […]

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Is Capital Punishment Obligatory in the Case of Murder?

A CRC synodically-appointed committee consisting of Doctors Henry Stob, Hessel Bouma III, Stephen Monsma, Clarence Vos, and Louis Vos have presented a report on Capital punishment (Acts of Synod 1979, pages 468–508) which report has been referred to the churches for study, reflection and response to the study committee by October 15, 1980 . . […]

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