Towards an Indigenous Church

(Part Six) For some time we have been considering the significance of the increasing emphasis on indigenous churches as the goal of Christian mission endeavor. Several important factors demanded consideration. Primarily we were interested in whether this goal and the methods which must be employed to achieve it are in harmony with the principles of the […]

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Towards the Indigenous Church

(Part Five) WHEN the first edition of Roland Allen’s book Missionary Methods: St. Paul’s or Our’s? was being prepared for publication, the Right Rev. Henry Whitehead, D.D., then Lord Bishop of Madras, was asked to write the introduction. Many of his statements deserve our respectful consideration as coming from a man of wide experience in Christian […]

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Towards an Indigenous Church

(Part Two) Many are the problems facing the Christian church in her missionary vocation. None of these is more pressing or more complex in our day than that which has generally been denominated for want of more specific terminology the “indigenous method.” Some of the facets or this problem of first magnitude were considered in a recent […]

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