Organization and Administration

Having considered in previous articles (cf. Torch and Trumpet, vol. II, nos. 5, 6) the significance of a growing interest in the Christian junior college movement together with the growing need for such institutions, we now turn to the problem of organizational and administrative arrangement. Perhaps some of our readers are awaiting in this series an […]

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Growing Need!

The growing interest in the Christian junior college movement finds its basic explanation in the growing need for Christian higher education. To discuss this need is our aim in this article. That there is such need is being questioned by no one. The issue that has come up for debate recently is whether or not […]

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Growing Interest!

The late Dr. R. L. Haan, a highly-respected Christian Reformed pastor, was closely associated with the Christian junior college movement especially during the closing years of his ministry at Hull, Iowa. Out of his interest in and activity in behalf of such an educational institution he once ventured to prophesy that in the not-too-distant future a […]

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