Historiography and the History of Israel

Of the publication of histories of Israel there seems to be no end nowadays. Among the more recent can be mentioned: M. Noth, The History of Israel (Eng. ed.• New York, 1958); J. Bright, A History of Israel (Ph;]a., 1959); H. M. Orlinsky, Ancient Israel (Cornell University Press, 2nd ed., 1960); W. F. Albright, The Biblical Period […]

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A Look at Books

The Bible and Archaeology J.A. THOMPSON Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 1962, 438 pp., $5.95. Of the many publications in the general area of archaeology and the Bible this is one of the better. It is a revised edition of a single-volume version of three earlier works on Biblical archaeology issued by […]

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Interpreting “The Infallibility Report”

One of the most crucial of all theological discussions of modern times concerns the nature, authority, and trustworthiness of Scripture. Historically this discussion arose as a result of modern critical studies of the Bible, most of which have been undertaken out of a spirit of skepticism toward all traditions, under the impulse of philosophies of history which […]

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