Highlights from LOGOS, Summer 2019

Approximately sixty young adults gathered for the LOGOS 2019 Summer Conference, held August 7–10 at Potter’s Ranch in Union, Kentucky, just south of Cincinnati. Keynote speaker Rev. Tim Scheuers, associate pastor at First United Reformed Church of Chino, California, and a PhD student at Fuller Theological Seminary, delivered three keynote addresses on the theme, “Inerrant […]

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A coworker approaches you with questions about Reformed theology. He’s a new believer, and he’s curious about your theological convictions. Of course, you’re eager to suggest resources that can introduce him to a Reformed articulation of the faith. So where do you begin? First of all, your friend could join one of the scores of […]

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You may have heard the phrase Ecclesia reformata semper reformanda, and you may know that it translates roughly to “The Reformed church must continually be reformed.”1 Perhaps you have heard it applied to Reformed churches today, implying that believers and congregations must be vigilant to examine their beliefs and practices repeatedly and continuously in light […]

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On my commute to school, I pass a sign that reads: “We believe: Black lives matter. No human is illegal. Love is love. Women’s rights are human rights. Science is real. Water is life. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” For a culture that scorns institutional religion, this series of statements sounds surprisingly […]

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Faith and Fruit in a Post-Christian World: Vocation

Can you glorify God in your work? The Dutch Reformed are well aware of Abraham Kuyper’s quote: “There is not a square inch in the whole domain of our human existence over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: ‘Mine!’”1 The Presbyterians would proclaim a similar position, beginning with the first answer […]

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Introduction Fifty-five years ago, Reformed Fellowship published an edited book commemorating the Synod of Dort of 1618–19. This synod was an international gathering of theologians, ministers, and elders to deal with a number of pressing issues in the Reformed church, including translating the Bible, organizing and governing the Reformed churches in the Netherlands, and—its most […]

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A reader encouraged me to follow up on the topic I introduced in the March/April issue of The Outlook—the five Walloon or Walcheren Articles of 1693. I focused on the first article, but what about the other four?   Before answering that question, I offer a confession that suggests why this document continues to hold […]

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Friendship: The Friend of Sinners

We are approaching the time of year when many American families will rewatch the 1946 holiday classic It’s a Wonderful Life. The movie tells the story of George Bailey, a self-sacrificing father and husband whose life begins to unravel on a fateful Christmas Eve. Viewers who persist through some fast-and-loose Hollywood theology about how people […]

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Friendship: The Nemesis of Narcissism

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39, English Standard Version). It is a cardinal commandment of the Christian life and, at first glance, a simple one. But what should we make of Jesus’ comparison to self-love? Most children, whether raised in a Christian home or not, are taught that selfishness is bad. So […]

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