In the Day of His Justice Obediah

In the Ancient Near East when a king was captured the war was over. The nation was conquered.King Nebuchadnezzar thought he has brought about the demise to another nation. In his quest to expand his empire he had crushed another rebellion. He had captured Zedekiah the leader of a rebellion. In turn, he had publicly […]

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Thoughts for the New Year

We are living in an age where Hol­lywood permeates the modern mind and holds all things holy in disdain. Public education disre­gards the Triune God altogether while flaunting the blasphemous theory of evolution. Throughout the nation laws are being passed protecting evil while our Lord is being banned from all places pub­lic. The preborn babes […]

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This is My Outlook

Much of the church today is slipping into the morass of complacency, formalism, and compromise. In many cases the churches have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof. One of the greatest spiritual plagues afflicting the church is the theory of evolution. Ironically, this erroneous concept was originally conceived and presented to the […]

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