Introduction This article was originally prepared as a paper for my previous congregation in Langley, British Columbia. Members there had been struggling with questions about the subject of Federal Vision. They were hearing, for instance, that Federal Vision theology is basically repeating what we have been taught by theologians from our own tradition. They were […]

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Editor’s note: This is the second part of a three-part article. RFI plans to make the entire article available in booklet form after the third part appears in The Outlook. Theonomic Hermeneutics Theonomy was a theological position that received some attention in the 1970s to 1990s among some Reformed and Presbyterian churches. It still exists […]

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Editor’s note: This is the third part of a three-part article. RFI plans to make the entire article available in booklet form. Recasting the Doctrine of Justification The Reformation doctrine of justification states that God declares us righteous (justified) through faith alone, only on account of what Christ has done, and by grace alone. However, […]

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