Did You Receive the Holy Spirit?

More and more people are waking up to the truth that a change needs to take place within our society—not necessarily a political change, as offered in the United States four years ago, but a spiritual change. Hearts need to be changed. There can be no genuine change in the heart without the Holy Spirit. […]

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Honor Your Mother: Live Long and Prosper

When you hear the word honor, what images come to mind? Do you picture a soldier dodging bullets to pull a comrade to safety? Do you picture a lineman taking a hard hit to protect his quarterback? You mean you didn’t picture a child interacting with his mother? The fifth commandment says that children are […]

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A Virtuous Woman Who Can Find? Proverbs 31:10–31

This passage is one of several that are often used to celebrate Mother’s Day, as it directly describes the practical, everyday life of one who is an example of a wise mother. However, I am not going to address this passage as if it were only for Mother’s Day. I think it is intended to […]

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A Call to Be Godly Men

A few years ago I was asked to lead a workshop on the roles of men and women. As I was preparing, I was again struck by the immense need of our time for men to be real men. I do not mean men as it is defined by the world: the image of a […]

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Sarah: A Mother by Grace

“Now the Lord was gracious to Sarah, as he had said, and the Lord did for Sarah what he had promised.”  —Genesis 21:1 Quite often we say about someone who was a devoted Christian that he or she was a true saint. I have heard children say it about their father: “He was a saintly […]

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Over the last half-century or more the dominant view regarding the Mosaic covenant—though by no means the only view—was that it was an administration of the overarching covenant of grace with no antithetical works-inheritance principle. Recovery of the teaching of early, historic Reformed teaching, namely, the view that the Mosaic covenant does indeed convey a […]

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Exactly one hundred years ago, on Sunday morning April 15, 1912 at 1:30 a.m., something happened that continues to fascinate the world. After two hours of steady flooding, the huge, unsinkable luxury liner, the Titanic, began to submerge into the icy waters of the Atlantic four hundred sea miles off the coast of Newfoundland. There […]

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Bavinck the Dogmatician: The Origin of Sin (1)

The third volume of Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics treats the broad topics of the introduction of sin into God’s good creation and the subsequent work of redemption that culminates in the person and work of Jesus Christ. After his consideration of the work of the triune God in creation, including the creation of human beings […]

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