“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” Proverbs 25:28, NIV. Originally this statement from Proverbs was a startling and shocking statement. Today it has lost its effect because cities no longer have walls. But until the 15th & 16th centuries they were common. Walls were necessary for security, […]
Perhaps the title of this article puzzles you. What is the liturgy of life? By this I am suggesting that Christians must recover the comprehensive view of living life before the face of God. The church must diligently call her members to view life as an opportunity to work out the Word proclaimed from the […]
In the second part of the Age of Reason Thomas Paine gave the following summary of the work which he believed he had accomplished. “I have now gone through the Bible as a man would go through a wood with an axe, and felled trees. Here they lie and the priests may replant them, but […]
January 1960 “We are determined before God to be a clear and fearless voice for the faith of our fathers in our time. We want to be a confessionally faithful witness. This is the only honest course for the church of Christ.” Our Magazine – 1960 – and You Reformed Fellowship, Inc. “Question: Sometime ago […]
Along with a sense of call (or perhaps a part of it) comes the ability and desire to study. We in Reformed circles have always insisted upon an educated clergy. And we must continue to insist on that, perhaps now more than ever before. Paul tells Timothy to guard the deposit which he has received, […]
In the history of discussion of the biblical teaching of election, one of the more controversial issues is that of the so-called “free offer” of the gospel. At the time of the dispute between the Arminians and the Calvinists in the Netherlands in the early seventeenth century, the Arminians complained that the Calvinist doctrine of […]
We cannot embark on a mission among Muslims until we know the crucial differences between Islam and Christianity. Islam vehemently denies the major truth claims of Christianity. The greatest obstacle in a discussion with a Muslim about the Gospel is the person and work of Jesus Christ. When we compare the Koranic Jesus with the […]