Reprobation – The Critics and the Canons

Dr. W. Robert Godfrey is Assistant Professor of Church History at Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is a member of the Broomall, Trinity Christian Reformed Church. An article by him on “Did the Canons Misfire? Five Points on the Synod of Dort” appeared in the June issue of THE OUTLOOK. In this article, Dr. […]

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What the Reformed Faith Must Mean for Canada

The Membership Roster of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. lists the names and addresses also of the members of the Reformed Fellowship in Canada. In this year of America’s Bicentennial and the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the publication of THE OUTLOOK (formerly Torch and Trumpet) attention has been given to What the Reformed Faith Must Mean for the […]

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Our Question Box

Dr. Leonard Greenway, pastor of the Riverside Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan, is in charge of Our Question Box. This department is for everyone. No signatures are required and no names are published. Although we are happy about the popularity of this department, we regret that, due to all the questions now on […]

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Feeding on Ashes

“He feedeth on ashes; a deceived heart hath turned him aside; and he cannot deliver his soul, nor say, Is there not a lie in my right hand?” Isaiah 44:20     The prophet’s language is quite picturesque. We can imagine someone sitting in front of a bucket of ashes, but that those ashes should be […]

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Last month THE OUTLOOK began a new series of articles or lessons on II Timothy and Titus by Rev. Henry Vander Kam, pastor of Grace Christian Reformed Church of Kalamazoo, Michigan. This series is intended for church societies, study groups, and all who are interested. Rev. Vander Kam has the knack of presenting his material […]

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The Sacrifice of Praise (7): Hearing the Word

Liturgy and the question of how to worship are receiving a great deal of attention today—for better or for worse. That we should have and follow the proper guidelines for this is of the utmost importance. In this issue, Rev. Jerome M. Julien, pastor of the First Christian Reformed Church of Pella, Iowa, presents the […]

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America Needs Another King True, America’s achievements have been stupendous. Think of it! Americans have walked on the moon; and, America‘s Viking I spaceship has now made its scheduled landing on the planet Mars many millions of miles away. Nothing seems impossible. True, America has come a long, long way in 200 years. But America […]

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For Elders and Deacons (1)

Beginning in this issue, Rev. Harry G. Arnold is contributing a series of articles under the heading, For Elders and Deacons. Because more than 3500 consistory members have recently been added to the list of those now receiving THE OUTLOOK, this series is timely and should prove to be interesting and profitable for them as […]

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Business as Usual on Sunday?

Back in 1869, Timothy Eaton decided that it was only proper that the windows of his store be draped on Sunday so that there would no worldly attraction for the public. Just a few years ago this policy changed without any objections from the window shopping public. Gone are many customs of the past. How […]

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A Look at Books

GREAT PULPIT MASTERS. CHARLES H. SPURGEON, introduction by Andrew W. Blackwood. Baker, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1949, reprinted 1972. 256 pp., paper. DWIGHT L. MOODY, introduction by Charles R. Erdman. Baker, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1949, reprinted 1972. 256 pp., paper. R. A. TORREY, introduction by William Culbertson. Baker, Grand Rapids, Mich. 1950, reprinted 1972. 256 pp., paper. […]

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