PULPIT ADVERTISING Advertising is a real American art, and I find myself able to appreciate its efforts to convince and motivate, to wheedle and to bludgeon, to insinuate and to dramatize. But I don’t think that advertising has a place everywhere and the pulpit is one place where it ought never to appear! I’m not […]
This is the fourth in a series of articles in this periodical on the ecumenical problem. The first, by Rev. J. H . Piersma, sketched the history of the ecumenical movement. The second, by Dr. L. Praamsma, dealt especially with the Growth and Objectives of the World Council. The third was on the Basis of […]
NEW INTEREST IN LUTHER AND CALVIN Judging from current reprints of the works of Luther and Calvin, there seems to be a revival of interest in the Protestant Reformation.This is, undoubtedly, part of a general upturn in theological scholarship, which is a salutary reaction to the old liberalism with its cliche, “Christianity is a life, […]
ELECTIONS The Synod of 1962 began with the usual prayer service, which was held this year in the Sherman Street Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids. The pastor of the church, Rev. John A. Mulder, preached the sermon. It was a very militant discourse on the subject of brotherly love. (It can be found in The […]
REPORT ON THE TWENTY-NINTH GENERAL ASSEMBLY ORTHODOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH The 29th General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church was held in Cedar Grove, Wisconsin, May 29 through June 1, 1962. The previous evening a devotional service was conducted by the Session of the Calvary Orthodox Presbyterian Church with Professor John Murray, moderator of the 28th General Assembly, […]
Het Boek Job Commentary by DR. J.H. KROEZE Kok, Kampen, 1961. This is a commentary in the old-fashioned style; of the type of Meyer’s et al. A broad comprehensive introduction, and then minute word-analysis and grammatical constructions, carefully examined. This volume is nothing if not thorough and science. It comprises 502 pages, including n bibliography […]