Index – Volume XXVIII (1978)

To find any item in this index note the numbers following the item, such as 6:2. This means that you will find what you are looking for in the June issue (6) on page 2.

In the index of book reviews the name in parenthesis identifies the reviewer.


ADAMS, JAY Transactional analysi1:2

ANDERSON, SID Reformed Theological College of Nigeria  10:20

BESTEMAN, ARTHUR Jottings from the secretary  3:16

BLANKESPOOR, JOHN Awful but beautiful Gethseman3:9 Giant of faith falling into sin  11:19 God—the God of the livin5:17 God‘s gracious answer to an anxious warrior  7:17 Gospel given to Naaman  8:12 Jesus wep2:21 “Luke-warm” reformation church  10:13 Never worry  6:16 O ye of little fait9:16 Risen Savior and the Mary Magdalene  4:14 Victorious Christ in Bethlehe12:18

BYKER, JOHN J. Another perspective 8:11 Hermeneutical breakthrough or bankruptcy  6:20 Schaeffer—then and now  3:6

BYL, JOHN Science and truth  2:2

DE GROOT, RENZE “Christian” entertainment  5:13 Fifty voices of Praise  5:13

DE JONG, PETER Annual meeting of the fellowship  12:6 C. S. Lewis on the democratic” destruction of education  4:7 Capital punishment—man‘s brutality or God’s commandmen4:20 Christian charity must be responsible  10:12 Does our use of the Bible determine its authority?  7:10 Difficult decision9:14 For God’s inerrant book  12:15 Four Presbyterian assemblies at Calvin  9:14 Gospel riches and church povert1:5; 2:6 Honors to Dr. Cornelius Van Til  3:4 J. I. Packer on the old and new Gospe9:15 Lutheran help in our problems concerning the Bibl4:16 Martin J. Wyngaarden, 1891–197810:18 New drive toward Biblical Christianity  3:8 Presbyterian Church in America  5:14 What is coming up at the CRC synod?  6:9 Witness or confession11:18

DE JONG, PETER Y. Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches  10:2; 11:2 Through his death we have are, forever  7:20 Women in the disconate – what will this decision produce 12:2

DE JONGE, WILLARD Choice  7:21 De profundus  6:17

DE KOEKKOEK, PAUL Christian wretchedness  2:15

DYKSTRA, LE ANN What the history of the Heidelberg Catechism means to me  3:3

ENGELSMA, DAVID School’s Calling to teach the children to keep the way of the Lord  10:14

FLIETSTRA, C. WILLIAM Revealing ratio: its review and response  6:19

FOLKERTS, MRS. JOSEPH Housecleaning (Reformed Women Speak)  2:12

GROEN, WATSON Ministers of Petty falls  4:8

GUNNINK, KATIE Blessed hunger (Reformed Women Speak1:13 Miss Johanna Timmer, 1901–1978  2:16

HEEREMA, EDWARD Dancing at Calvin and Christian liberty  5:16 (correction noted, 7:6) Transcendental meditation  7:6

HENDRIKSEN, WILLAM Scriptures infallibility, objections answered  1:12

INGENERI, PAUL Leglilism . . . on which side?  11:6

JANSEN, ANNETTA Do I live for Him? (poem)  2:22 He (lied for me (poem7:9 Prayer for neighborhood evangelism (poem)  2:22

JANSMA, SIDNEY J. Theistic evolution is not creatio12:9

JULIEN, JEROME M. In memoriam: Mr. Sidney De Young, 1906–1978  3:15 Our song of hope” a vague substitute  5:2

KLOOSTERMAN, NELSON D. Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches  10:2; 11:2

LUBBERS, AGATHA Decline of excellence: a proneness toward mediocrit4:6

MADANY, SHIRLEY W. Daily preaching the word  6:5 Immunity (Reformed Women Speak8:10

MEYER, ALBERT From a man’s point of view  6:7

OOSTENDORP, ELCO H. What we believe Unity of the covenant  1:8

PALMER, EDWIN H. Believe it or not: the NIV is not worth as much as The Scarlet Letter  12:8 Land without laughte8:13

PIERSMA, JOHN H. Marriage and money problems 9:5 Marriage in the scriptural context  7:2 Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches  10:2; 11:2

PRONK, CORNELIS Who is the man of Romans 7: 14–25?  11:9

REFORMED FELLOWSHIP Another magazine, why?  6:2 RUDOLPH, ROBERT K. Holy Bible and confession 2:14 SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS A. Watershed of the evangelical world  2:8 SCHULZ, REUEL J. From diapers to diploma  1:22

SITTEMA, JOHN H. Of quotas, qualms and church unity  9:2 Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches  10:2; 11:2

SMALL, DWIGHT Dating with or without dancing  1:19

SPEAR, WAYNE R. Inerrancy debate  5:6

SPENCER, STEPHEN R. Imprecatory prayers  4:11

TANGELDER, JOHAN D. Actualistic vs. propositional revelation   1:9 Francis Schaeffer’s ministry  9:18

THOMPSON, FRED P. Religion as therapy  5:7

TUININGA, CECIL W. Should I mourn? an old and proper question  6:3

TUININCA, JELLE Angry women 11:20 Gereformeerde kerken and us  3:10 IN the world but not OF it  12:10 Pious talk covers worldly living  2:4 Playing games with the creeds  3:2 Twisting Scripture to put women in office  4:12

VAN BRUGGEN, J. Interview with Prof. C. Van Til  7:14 (correction noted, 9:9)

VANDEN EINDE, HARLAN G. Our question box  2:13; 3:14; 4:13; 5:9; 6:8; 7:19; 8:8; 10:19; 12:19

VANDEN HEUVEL. HENRY CRC synod ’78 – a house divide  8:2 Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches  10:2; 11:2

VANDEN HEUVEL, LAURIE Christmas peace  12:5 Passing the banner 5:20 “Shall we dance?”  1:4 What is “progress”?  10:7; 11:21

VANDER KAM, HENRY Lessons from 1 John  1:15; 2:17; 3:17 Lessons from 1 Pete8:17; 9:10; 10:9; 11:14; 12:11

VANDER KAMP, HARRY Alcoholism  3:5

VANDER PLOEG, JOHN Ordination of women to the office of deacon—right or wrong?  6:18 Pensionitis”? an unfair accusation  2:16 That URC – a look around us 6:14 That “United Reformed Church” – an ongoing challenge  4:2 To tho Banner: we beg to differ  5:19

VAN GRONINGEN, GERALD What the Bible says about women in church office  5:20

VAN GRONINGEN, HARRIET Are you listening? (Reformed Women Speak)  9:4

VAN HOUTEN, FRED Peril or power?  3:16

VAN KOOTEN, MARVA Christian Reformed Church and lodge membership  3:11

VAN SCHOUWEN, CORNELIUS Teach them to obey  4:5

VOS, GEERHARDUS Reprobation: the Biblical importance of the doctrine of preterition  1:10 WALBURG, SIMON C. “A Bible-break . . .” (poem)  1:24 WARFIELD, BENJAMIN IN BRECKENRIDGE John Calvin, the theologian  5:10 WERKEMA, CLARENCE Time to laugh – a time to weep  4:19 Would you believe it? (pointed paragraphs)  6:15


Actualistic vs. propositional revelation, J. D. Tangelder  1:9 Alcoholism. H. Vander Kamp  3:5 Angry women, J. Tuininga  11:20 Annual meeting of the fellowship, P. De Jong  12:6 Another magazine – why? Reformed Fellowship  6:2 Another perspective, J. Byke8:11 Are you listening? (Reformed Women Speak), H. Van Groningen  9:4 Awful but beautiful Gethsemane, J. Blankespoor  3:9

Believe it or not: the NIV is not worth as much as The Scarlet letter, E. H. Palmer  12:8 Bible-break . . .” (poem)! S. C. Walburg  1:24 Blessed Imager (Reformed Women Speak) K. Gunnink   1:13

CRC synod 78 – a house divided, H. Vanden Heuvel  8:2 C. S. Lewis on the “democratic” destruction of education, P. De Jon4:7 Capital punishment – man’s brutality or God’s commandment, P. De Jong  4:20 Change of driver  1:24 Choice, W.P. De Jong  7:21 Christian charity must be responsible, P. De Jong  10:12 “Christian” entertainment, R. O. De Groot  5:13 Christian Reformed Church and lodge membership, M. Van Koote3:11 Christian wretchedness, P. De Koekkoek  2:15 Christmas peace (Reformed Women Speak), Laurie Vanden Heuvel  12:5

Daily preaching the word, S. W. Madany  6:5 Dancing at Calvin and Christian liberty, E. Heerema  5:16 (correction noted 7:6) Dating: with or without dancing, D. Small 1:19 De profundus, W. De Jong6:17 Decline of excellence: a proneness toward mediocrity, A. Lubbers  4:6 Difficult decisions, P. De Jong  9:14 Do I live for Him? (poem), A. Jansen  2:22 Does our use of the Bible determine its authority? P. De Jong  7:10

Fift y voices of praise, R. O. De Groot 5:13 For God’s inerrant book, P. De Jong  12:15 Four Presbyterian assemblies at Calvin, P. De Jong  9:14 Francis Schaeffer’s ministry. J. D. Tangelder  9:18 From a man‘s point of view, A. Meyer  6:7 From diapers to diploma, R. J. Schulz  1:22

Gereformeerde Kerken and us, J. Tuininga 3:10 Giant of faith falling into sin, J. Blankespoor  11:19 God – the God of the living. J. Blankespoo5:17 God’s gracious answer to an anxious warrior, J. Blankespoo7:17 Gospel given to Naman, J. Blankespoor  8:12 Gospel riches and church poverty, P. De Jong  1:5; 2:6

He died fo r me (poem), A. Jansen  7:9 Hermeneutical breakthrough or bankruptcy? J. Byker  6:20 Holy Bible and confession, R. K. Rudolph  2:14 Honors to Dr Cornelius Van Til, P. De Jong  3:4 Housecleaning (Reformed Women Speak), Mrs. J. Folkert2:12

Immunity (Reformed Women Speak), S. W. Madany  8:10 Imprecatory prayers, S. R. Spencer  4:11 In memoriam: Mr. Sidney De Jong, 1906–1978, J. Julien  3:15 IN the world but not OF it, J. Tuininga  12:10 Inerrancy debate, W. H. Spear 5:6 Interview with Prof. C. Van Til. J. Van Bruggen 7:14 (correction noted, 9:9) J. I. Packer on the old and new gospel, P. De Jong  9:15 Jesus wept, J. Blankespoo2:21 John Calvin the theologian, B. B. Warfield  5:10 Jottings from the secretary, A. Besteman  3:16

Land without laughter, E. H. Palmer  8:13 Legalism . . . on which side? P. Ingeneri  11:6 Lessons from I John, H. Vander Kam  1:5, 2:17, 3:17 Lessons from I Peter, H. Vander Kam  8:13,9:10, 10:9, 11:14; 12:11 “Lukewarm” reformation church, J. Blankespoo10:13 Lutheran help in our problems concerning the Bible, P. De Jong  4:16

Marriage and money problems, J. H. Piersma  9:5 Marriage in the scriptural context, J. H. Piersma  7:7 Martin J. Wyngaarden, 1891–1978, P. De Jong  10:18 Ministers of Petty Falls. W. Groen  4:8 Miss Johanna Timmer, 1901–1978, K. Gunnink  2:16

Never worry, J. Blankespoor  6:16 New drive toward Biblical Christianity, P. De Jong  3:8

O ye of little faith, J. Blankespoor  9:16 Of quotas, qualms, and church unity, J. R. Sittema  9:2 Ordination of women to the office of deacon – right or wrong?, J. Vander Ploe6:18 Our question box, H. C. Vanden Einde  2:13; 3:14; 4:13; 5:3; 6:8; 7:19; 8:8; 10:19; 12:19 “Our song of hope,” a vague substitute, J.M. Julie5:2 Our testimony – an appeal to our brothers and sisters in the Christian Reformed Churches, P. Y. De Jong, N. D. Kloosterman, J. H. Piersma, J. H. Sittema, H. Vanden Heuvel  10:2; 11:2

Passing the banner (Reformed Women Speak) L. Vanden Heuvel  5:20 “Pensionitis”? an unfair accusation, J. Vander Ploe2:16 Peril or power? F. Van Houten  3:16 Pious talk covers worldly living, J. Tuininga  2:4 Playing games with the creeds, J. Tuininga 3:2 Prayer for neighborhood evangelism (poem), A. Jansen  2:22 Presbyterian Church in America, P. De Jong  5:14

Reformed Theological College of Nigeria, S. Anderson  10:20 Reformed Women Speak Are you listening? H. Van Groningen  9:4 Blessed hunger, K. Gunnink  1:13 Christmas peace, L. Vanden Heuvel  12:5 Housecleaning, Mrs. J. Folkerts  2:12 Immunity, S. W. Madany  8:10 Passing the banner, L. Vanden Heuvel  5:20 What is “progress”? L. Vanden Heuvel 10:7; 11:21 Religion as therapy, F. P. Thompson  5:7 Reprobation: the Biblical importance of the doctrine of preterition, C. Vos  1:10 Revealing ratio; its review and response, C. W. Flietstra  6:19 Risen Savior and the Mary Magdalenes, J. Blankespoor  4:14

Schaeffer – then and now, J. J. Byke3:6 School’s calling to teach the children to keep the way of the Lord, D. Engelsma  10:14 Science and truth, J. Byl  2:2 Scripture’s infallibility objections answered, W. Hendrikse1:12 “Shall we dance?” L. Vanden Heuvel  1:4 Should I mourn? an old and proper question, C. W. Tuininga  6:3

Teach them to obey, C. Van Schouwen  4:5 That URC – a look around us, J. Vander Ploeg  6:14 That “United Reformed Church” – an ongoing challenge, J. Vander Ploe4:2 Theistic evolution is not creation, S. J. Jansma 12:9 Through his death we have life, forever, P. Y. De Jong 7:20 Time to laugh – a time to weep, C. C. Werkema  4:19 To the Banner: we beg to differ, J. Vander Ploeg  5:19 Transactional analysis, J. Adams  1:2 Transcendental meditation, E. Heerema  7:7 Twisting Scripture to put women in office, J. Tuininga  4:12

Victorious Christ in Bethlehem, J. Blankespoor  12:18

Watershed of the evangelical world, F. A. Schaeffer  2:8 What is “progress”? (Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuvel  10:7; 11:21 What the Bible says about women in church office, C. Van Groningen  5:20 What the history of the Heidelberg Catechism means to me, L. Dykstra  3:3 What we believe, E. H. Oostendorp Unity of the covenant  1:8 What’s coming up at the CRC synod? P. De Jon6:9 Who is the man of Romans 7:14–25? C. Pron11:9 Witness or confess? P. De Jong  11:18 Women in the diaconate – what will this decision produce? P. Y. De Jong   12:2 Would you believe it? (pointed Paragraphs), C. C. Werkema  6:15


ALCOHOLISM (see CHRISTIAN LIVING in past indices) Alcoholism, H. Vander Kamp  3:5

AMUSEMENTS – see CHRISTIAN LIVING or specific subjects

BACK TO GOD HOUR Daily preaching the Word, S. W. Madany  6:5

BIBLE Actualistic vs. propositional revelation, J. D. Tangelder  1:9 Believe it or not: NIV is not worth as much as The Scarlet Letter, E. H. Palmer  12:8 Does our use of the Bible determine its authority? P. De Jong  7:10 For God’s inerrant book, P. De Jong  12:15 Gospel riches and church poverty, P. De Jong  1:5 Hermeneutical breakthrough or bankruptcy? J. Byke6:20 Holy Bible and confession, n. K. Rudolph  2:14 Inerrancy debate, W. R. Spear  5:6 Lutheran help in our problems concerning the Bible, P. De Jong  4:16 New drive toward Biblical Christianity, P. De Jong  3:8 Our question box, H .C. Vanden Einde  8:8 Scripture’s infallibility objections answered, W. Hendriksen 1:12 Watershed of the evangelical world, F. A. Schaeffer  2:8

CALVIN, JOHN John Calvin the theologian, B. B. Warfield  5:10

CAPITAL PUNISHMENT Capital punishment – man’s brutality or God’s commandment, P. De Jong  4:20

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION, see also EDUCATION School’s calling to teach the children to keep the way of the Lord, D. Engelsma  10:14

CHRISTIAN HOME AND FAMILY From diapers to diploma, R. J. Schulz  1:22 Teach them to obey, C. Van Schouwen  4:5

CHRISTIAN LIVING, see also DANCING Are you listening? H. Van Groningen  9:4 Blessed hunger, K. Gunnink  1:13 Christian charity must be responsible, P. De Jong  10:12 “Christian” entertainment, R. O. De Groot 5:13 Christian wretchedness, P. De Koekkoek  2:15 Our question box (on sickness in God’s providence), H. C. Vanden Einde  10:19 Pious talk covers worldly living, J. Tuining2:4 Religion as therapy, F. P. Thompson  5:7 Should I mourn? an old and proper question, C.W. Tuininga  6:3 Time to laugh – time to weep, C. C. Werkema  4:19 Who is the man of Romans 7:14–25? C. Pronk  11:9

CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Annual meeting of the fellowship, P. De Jong 12:6 Does our use of the Bible determine its authority? P. De Jong  7:10 Gereformeerde kerken and us, J. Tuininga 3:10 Our testimony – an appeal to our brethren and sister.; in the Christian Reformed Churches, P. Y. De Jong, N. D. Kloosterman, J. H. Piersma, J. B. Sittema, H. B. Vanden Heuvel 10:2; 11:5 The URC – a look around us, J. Vander Ploeg  6:14 That “United Reformed Church” – an ongoing challenge, J. Vander Ploeg  4:2 To the Banner: we beg to differ, J. Vander Ploeg  5:19 What is “progress”? L. Vanden Heuvel  10:7; 11:21

CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH SYNOD CRC synod ’78 – a house divided, H. Vanden Heuvel  8:2 Christian charity must be responsible, P. De long 10:12 Difficult decisions, P. De Jong  9:14 What‘s coming up at the CRC synod? P. De Jon6:9


CHURCH Our Question box, H. G. Vanden Eind4:13

CHURCH POLITY/ORDER Of quotas, qualms, and church unity, J. R. Sittema  9:2 Our question box. H. C. Vanden Einde  2:13

COMMUNISM Land without laughter, E. H. Palme8:13

CONFESSIONS “Our song of hope,” a vague substitute, J. M. Julie5:2 Playing games with the creeds. J. Tuining3:2 What the history of the Heidelberg Catechism means to me, L. Dykstra  3:3

COUNSELING Transactional analysis, J. Adams  1:2

COVENANT What we believe, E. H. Oostenoor1:8

DANCING Dancing at Calvin and Christian liberty, E. Heerema  5:16 (correction noted 7:6) Dating: with or without dancing. D. Small 1:19 Pious talk covers worldly living, J. Tuininga  2:4 Revealing ratio: its review and response, C. W. Flietstra  6:19 “Shall we dance?” L. Vanden Heuvel  1:4 Time to laugh – a time to weep, C. C. Werkema  4:19

DE YOUNG, SIDNEY In memoriam: Mr. Sidney De Young, 1906–1978, J. M. Julie3:15

ECUMENISM Four Presbyterian assemblies at Calvin, P. De Jon9:14 That URCa look around us, J. Vander Ploeg  5:19 That “United Reformed Church” – an ongoing challenge, J. Vander Ploeg  4:2

EDUCATION C. S. Lewis on the “democratic” destruction of education, P. De Jon4:7 Decline of excellence: a proneness toward mediocrity, A. Lubber4:6

EVANGELISM J. I. Packer on the old and new gospel, P. De Jong 9:15 Witness or Confess? P. De Jon11:18

GIVING Christian charity must be responsible, P. De Jong  10:12 Of quotas, qualms, and church unity, J. R. Sittema  9:2 Our question box, H. C. Vanden Einde  7:19

HEIDELBERG CATECHISM What the history of the Heidelberg Catechism means to me, L. Dykstra  3:3


ISLAM Immunity, S. W. Madany  8:10

JESUS CHRIST – BIRTH Christmas peace, L. A. Vanden Heuve12:5 Victorious Christ in Bethlehem, J. Blankespoor  12:18

JESUS CHRIST – RESURRECTION Risen Savior and the Mary Magdalenes, J. Blankespoor  4:14

JESUS CHRIST – SUFFERING Awful but beautiful Gethsemane, J. Blankespoo3:9 Jesus wept, J. Blankespoor  2:21

LODGE MEMBERSHIP Christian Reformed Church and lodge membership, M. Van Kooten  3:11

LUTHERAN CHURCH – MISSOURI SYNOD Lutheran help in our problems concerning the Bible, P. De Jong  4:16

MARRIAGE Marriage and money problems. J. H. Piersma  9:5 Marriage in the scriptural context, J. H. Piersm7:3

MEDITATIONS Awful but beautiful Gethsemane (Matt. 26:36ff), J. Blankespoo3:9 Blessed hunger (Matt. 5:6) K. Gunnink  1:13 De profundus (Matt. 26:75b), W. De Jonge  6:17 Giant of faith falling into sin (Judges 8:27), J. Blankespoo11:19 God – the God of living (Matt. 22:31, 32), J. Blankespoo5:17 God’s gracious answer to an anxious warrior (Judges 6:34, 36), J. Blankespoor  7:17 Gospel given to Naaman (II Kgs 5:14), J. Blankespoor  8:12 Jesus wept (John 11:35), J. Blankespoor  2:21 “Luke-warm” reformation church (Rev. 3:14–22) J. Blankespoo10:13 Never worry (Phil. 4:6, 7), J. Blankespoor  6:16 O ye of little faith (Matt. 8:26a), J. Blankespoor  9:16 Risen Savior and the Mary Magdalenes (John 20:17), Blankespoor  4:14 Victorious Christ in Bethlehem (Luke 2:1–4), J. Blankespoo12:18

MINISTRY Ministers of Petty falls, W. Groen  4:8 Pensionitis”? an unfair accusation, J. Vander Ploeg  2:16 Peril or power? F. Van Houten  3:16

NAPARC (North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council) Four Presbyterian assemblies at Calvin, P. De Jong  9:14

NIGERIA Reformed Theological College of Nigeria, S. Anderso10:20

OFFICE OF BELIEVER Through His death we have life, forever, P.Y. De Jong  7:20

PARACHURCH ORGANIZATIONS Our question box, H. G. Vanden Einde  4:13


POETRY D0 I live for Him? A. Jansen  2:22 He died for me, A. Jansen 7:9 Prayer for neighborhood evangelism, A. Jansen 2:22

PRAYER Imprecatory prayer, S. R. Spence4:11 Our question box, H. C. Vanden Eind3:14

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN AMERICA Presbyterian church in America, P. De Jong  5:14

QUOTAS Of quoIns, qualms, and church unity, J. R. Sittema  9:2

REFORMED CHURCH IN AMERICA “Our song of hope,” a vague substitute, J. M. Julien  4:2

REFORMED FAITH Gospel riches and church poverty, P. De Jong 2:6 What we believe, E. H. Oostendor1:8

REFORMED FELLOWSHIP Annual meeting of the fellowship, P. De Jong  12:6 Another magazine, why?  6:2 Jottings from the secretary, A. Besteman  3:16

REPROBATION Reprobation: the Biblical importance of the doctrine of preterition, C. Vos  1:10

REVELATION Actualistic vs. propositional revelation, J. D. Tangelder  1:9

REVIVAL Annual meeting of the fellowship, P. De Jong  12:6

ROMANS 7 Who is the man of Romans 7:14–25? C. Pronk  11:9

SABBATH Our question box, H. C. Vanden Eind12:19

SCHAEFFER, FRANCIS Francis Schaeffer’s ministry, J. D. Tangelde9:18 Schaeffer – then and now, J. J. Byke3:6

SCIENCE – CHRISTIAN VIEW OF Science and truth, J. Byl  2:2


SIN CONVICTION OF Should I mourn? an old and proper question, C. W. Tuininga  6:3

SPACE EXPLORATION Our question box, H. G. Vanden Einde  5:9

STUDY OUTLINES Lessons from I John, H. Vander Kam  1:15; 2:17; 3:17 Lessons from I Peter, H. Vander Kam 8:17; 9:10; 10:9; 11:14; 12:11

TIMMER, JOHANNA Miss Johanna Timmer, 1901–1978, K. Gunnink  2:16


TOTAL DEPRAVITY Our question box, H. G. Vanden Einde  6:8

TRANSACTIONAL ANALYSIS Transactional analysis, J. Adam1:2

TRANSCENDENTAL MEDITATION Transcendental meditation, E. Heerema  7:7

VAN TIL, DR. CORNELIUS Honors to Dr. Cornelius Van Til, P. De Jong. 3:4 Interview with Prof. C. Van Til, J. Van Bruggen 7:14

WOMEN From a man‘s point of view, A. Meyer  6:7 IN the world but not OF the world, J. Tuininga  12:10

WOMEN IN ECCLESIASTICAL OFFICE Angry women, J. Tuininga  11:20 Legalism . . . on which side? P. Ingeneri   11 :6 Ordination of Women to the office of deacon, right or wrong? J. Vander Ploeg  6:18  Twisting Scripture to put women in office, J. Tuininga  4:12 What is “progress”? L. Vanden Heuvel  11:21 What the Bible says about women in church office, C. Van Groningen  5:20 Women in the diaconate – what will this decision produce? P. Y. De Jon12:2

WOMEN’S ARTICLES Are you listening? (Reformed Women Speak), H. Van Groningen  9:4 Blessed hunger (Reformed Women Speak), K. Gunnin1:13 Christmas peace (Reformed Speak), L. Vanden Heuvel  12:5 Housecleaning (Reformed Women Speak), Mrs. J. Folkert2:12 Immunity (Reformed Women Speak), S. W. Madany  8:10 Passing the banner (Reformed Women Speak) L. Vanden Heuvel  5:20 What is “progress”? (Reformed Women Speak) L.. Vanden Heuvel  10:7; 11:21

WYNGAARDEN, MARTIN J. Martin J. Wyngaarden, 1891–1978, P. De Jong   10:18


Adams. Jay E., Your place in the counseling revolution (W. H. Kooienga2:23

Alexander, J. W., Thoughts on preaching (J. Brinks10:23

Association of Christian Reformed Laymen, Handbook of CRC issues 1968–1978 (J. Vander Ploeg)  7:23

Balsiger, Dave and Sellier, Charles E., Jr., In search of Noah‘s ark (F. W. Van Houten)  3:22

Bavinck, Herman, Our reasonable faith (S. Voortman)  5:24

Beardslee, John W. III. ed., Reformed dogmatics: seventeenth century Reformed theology through the writings of Wollebius, Voetius and Turretin (J. M. Julien5:23

Blackwood, Andrew W., Fine art of preaching (J. Brinks11:24

Brown. Colin, ed., New International dictionary of New Testament theology, vol. 2 (H. Bockhoven)  3:23

Campbell, C. K., God’s covenant (P. E. Bakker)  3:24

Day, Richard Ellsworth, Bush aglow (H. A. Gllichelaar8:22

Day, Richard Ellsworth, Shadow of the broad brim – the life story of Charle.~ Haddon Spurgeon, heir of the Puritans (J. De Pater)  8:23

De Graaf, S. C., Promise and deliverance, vol. 1 (H. Vanden Heuvel)  3:22

De Jong, Alexander, Christ’s church, the Bible and me (P. De Jong)  9:21 De Jong, Benjamin, Uncle Ben’s quotebook, J. Vander Ploeg 2:24 De Jong, Peter Y., Christian Reformed Church who and why are we? (P. De Jong)  7:23

De Vos, Karen Helder, Woman’s worth and work (L. Vanden Heuvel)  3:23

De Vries, W. C ., Marriage in honor (E. H. Oostendorp)  1:24

Duff, Clarence W., God’s higher ways: the birth of a church (J. Mahaffy)  10:23

Ferm, Robert L., Jonathan Edwards the Younger: 1745–1801 – a colonial pastor (J. M. Julien) 4:24

Frame, John M. and Coppes, Leonard J., Amsterdam philosophy: a preliminary critique (J. De Pater)  9:22

Fuller, David. Otis, ed., Which Bible? (W. Hendriksen)  4:22

Green. Ernest L., Male and female created He them (P. E. Bakker)  4:23

Greenway, Roger S., ed., Guidelines for urban church planting (F. De Jong)  9:23

Gutzke, Manford G., Fear not: a Christian view of death (P. E. Bakker4:23

Hendriksen, William, Survey of the Bible (K. Gunnink)  3:23

Hodge, A. A. , Evangelical theology: lectures on doctrine (J. Brinks)  8:23

Hoeksema, Herman, When I survey, (H. Vanden Heuvel5:23

Holwerda, B., De diagon (lie ons van God geschonken zijn (J. De Pater)  11:24

Hudnut, Robert K., Church growth is not the point (H. Petersen)  2:24

Kane, J. Herbert, Understanding Christian missions (J. Vander Ploeg)  9:23

Knight, George C., New Testament teaching on the role relationship of men and women (T. Vanden Heuvel9:21

Kuitert, Harry M., Necessity of faith (W. Young)  9:20

Kuyvenhoven, Andrew, Daylight (C. W. Tuininga)  8:22

Ladd, George Eldon, Theology of the New Testament (E. H. Oostendorp)  8:23

Lauxstermann. E. M., In time of trouble (H. Guichelaar)  10:23

Meier, Paul D., Christian childrearing and personality development (H. Guichelaar7:23

Morris, Leon, Apocalyptic (J. M. Julien)  2:24

Moule, H. C. G., Studies in Hebrews (C. D. Vander Meyden)  12:23

Moule, H. C. G., Studies in II Timothy (C. D. Vander Meyden)  12:23

Murray, George L., Millennial studies. a search for truth (P. De Boer3:23

Parker, T. H. L., John Calvin: a biography (J. Bratt)  2:23

Parsons, Martin, Call to holiness (H. Guichdaar)  10:23

Pinnock, Clark H., ed., Grace unlimited (J. D. Tangelder4:22

Rey, Grela, Good morning, Lord – devotions for girls (H. Monsma)  5:23

Schilder, Klaas, Christ and culture (H. Petersen4:23

Sibbes, Richard. Works (E. H. Oostendorp)  2:23

Smith, Wilbur M., Therefore stand (J. M. Julien)  5:23

Sproul, R. C. ed., Soli Deo gloria – essays in Reformed theology – festschrift for John H. Gerstner (J. M. Julien4:22

Slam, CI., None Like Thee (H. Petersen)  4:23

Symphony (a magazine of Christian poetry) (S. C. Walburg)  12:23

Turnbull. Ralph G., History of preaching, vol. III. from the dose of the nineteenth century to the middle of the twentieth century and American preaching during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries (continuing the work of E. C. Dargan) (J. M. Julien10:22

Van Dalfsen, Patricia, Gnod morning, Lord – devotions for shutins (H. Monsma)  5:23

Vander Ark, Nelle A., Good morning, Lord – praise from the Psalms (H. Monsma)  5:23

Vander Klay, Grace, Bible puzzles for adults (S. C. Walburg)  4:23

Van Til, Cornelius, Common grace and the gospel (P. De Jong) 9:22

Veldkamp, Herman, Farmer from Tekos, on the book of Amos (J. M. Julien)  4:23

Warfield, Benjamin B., Lord of glory (J. De Pater9:22

Wilson. Gcoffrey B., Romans: a digest of Reformed comment (J. M. Julien)  4:24

Young, Edward J., In the beginning (J. Brinks)  8:22