Book Review

A Hearer of God’s Word: Ten Ways to Listen to Sermons Better Brian G. Najapfour. Grandville, MI: Reformed Fellowship, Inc., 2019. Paperback. 100 pages.

This book is a great resource for churches. It’s short and sweet, and could be easily read in an hour on a Sunday afternoon—or a short chapter could be read each Sunday morning in preparation to hear God’s Word proclaimed to his people. Brian brings up many valuable points in an approachable way, drawing readers to the Scriptures time and again throughout the book. There is also a lot of practical wisdom to be gained here—and anyone who by God’s grace puts it into practice will become a better listener to God.

The appendices at the end are also helpful, with advice to both preachers and listeners. Especially helpful are “How to Criticize a Preacher,” “15 Pointers for Preachers,” and “Respect the Time Your Pastor Needs for Prayer and Sermon Preparation.”

This is great material, and every church should make copies available to their congregation.

Rev. Benjamin Davenport is pastor of Bellingham URC in Bellingham, WA.