Home Missions

We’ve learned about missions across the sea, and given of our money to fulfill God’s decree, But a mission field’s waiting—it’s right at our door— The children God’s given, whom we love and adore. Our children are watching with eyes opened wide, Watching our steps as they walk by our side. Our children are hearing each word that we say. They’re learning their lessons from our lives day by day. What will they hear, father, what will they see? Are you missing church to watch sports on TV? What things in your life take priority? You’re influencing lives for eternity! Do you show that you love them? Do they know that you care? Do you teach about Jesus and your faith with them share? Do you tell the whole truth; do your lips never lie? Do you promise your love to your wife ’til you die? What will they see, mother, what will they hear? Your tongue speaking gossip, or you shedding a tear For the plight of a neighbor who struggles with sin? Will you share words of life, or cause more grief within? Will you do for your family the things that they need? In patience and virtue will you take the lead? Will you love your husband and do your very best To make your home happy—a safe place to rest? If we want our children to walk in God’s way, We must be good examples, and thus humbly pray For grace that enables our weak wills to do The deeds and the words he has called us to. What is the deepest desire of our heart? What gives us joy that will never depart? It’s seeing our children walk in God’s way In the deeds that they do and the words that they say.