I Ask…

O shepherds of the Bethlehem hills, When earth in slumber lay, so dark and still; And in the solemn hush of night When quickly shone a dazzling light— While hovering in that golden aureole bright You saw an angel robed in purest white— Were you afraid?

O humble watchmen of the sheep, Who fearlessly your nightly vigil keep; When suddenly the angel cried: “Behold your God with man abides!” While mingled with that clarion voice, The heavenly angel-choirs in song rejoice— Were you amazed? O lowly guardians of the flock, When you with urgence at the stable knock, And there behold the Gift of Love Displayed to you by God above; You, who were first to hear that wondrous Name That angels would to all the world proclaim— Did you rejoice? ELSIE D. KUIZEMA