Our Magazine – 1960 – and You

This is the ninth time that we greet our readers at the beginning of a New Year. In April of 1960 this magazine is expected to enter its tenth year of publication. It is with milch gratitude to God that we take note of this fact. When this project was begun in faith and prayer its sponsors had no set notions as to the life-span it might enjoy. Our prayer is that this good beginning may hold promise of many more fruitful years in God’s service.

One thing was paramount in the minds of the sponsors. This supreme concern was that the magazine might in some way be used to help stem the tide of doctrinal indifference and decline that was plainly present in the church of Christ. Our concern was with the faithful and forthright furtherance of the cause of the Reformed faith. This past year has demonstrated that the world-wide witness to this blessed heritage is of great moment to us. The many articles reflecting on Calvinism throughout the world in the John Calvin anniversary year have revealed this broad interest and scope of the magazine!

At the same time it is not surprising that the witness of the Christian Reformed Church should be a matter of special concern in our pages. Reformed Fellowship, Inc. is composed of people from several denominations of Reformed persuasion. But most of the members are from the Christian Reformed Church. This church is one of the last strongholds of the faith of the Reformation in the world. Hence we make no apology for directing our attention particularly to her problems. Furthermore, her problems are the problems of the Reformed church at large. Surely, the questions involved in the proposed ecumenical seminary of Nigeria and in the tremendous issue of the infallibility of the Scriptures are questions that are of deep concern to every loyal member of the church of Christ.

We, the publishers of this magazine, believe we have been faithful to our objectives. There have been and will continue to be shortcomings. We regret them and pray for vision to see them clearly and for wisdom to correct them. At the same time we are determined before God to be a clear and fearless voice for the faith of our fathers in our time. We want to be a confessionally faithful witness. This is the only honest course for the church of Christ. It is our conviction that events of recent times have clearly demonstrated the need for such a forthright witness.

Our earnest prayer is that God may bless our effort in 1960. In that prayerful spirit we greet you our readers at this time. We plan to continue facing issues squarely as they confront us. We trust that you, our faithful readers, will continue to detect in our pages the spirit of deep and impassioned devotion to the faith we dearly love. We want you to say of this magazine, “This paper rings true. That’s the language of the faith.” We believe the church of Christ has more serious business than to play the game of the Athenians, who “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell or to hear some new thing.” The great verities of the faith and not sophomoric novelties are our concern.

And now, dear reader, our greeting to you also carries a request. We would have all our readers be active participants in this cause. You can help spread the witness of TORCH AND TRUMPET. Talk about the magazine to your friends. Tell them about articles you have enjoyed in it. Urge them to subscribe if they have not yet done so. Remember, every intelligent and deeply committed member of the Church of Christ is a center of spiritual contagion that spreads far and wide. It is still true that the cause of Christ is carried forward mainly by a dedicated Gideon’s band of loyal and intelligently committed people. It is to such and through such that TORCH AND TRUMPET (note the name) wants especially to speak.

We heartily thank all our friends and supporters for their loyalty through the past year. Without that loyal and kind support our cause would stumble.

May 1960 be a year in which we are all true to His cause. The year can hold to greater blessing for us all.