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Book Review: Gold from Golgotha

by R. Bradley Jones

Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich. $1.75

Gold from Golgotha is a reprint containing a series of sermons on the seven utterances of Christ on the cross.

The Christian reader will be happy to find throughout the book the author’s clear testimony to his acceptance of the doctrine of inspiration, and of the Christ of Scripture as the sacrifice provided by God.

The power that flows forth from the cross grips the reader on every page. We are happy that the author has not forgotten to make that cross very personal and to represent its power as being absolutely necessary.

The beauty of Christ in his suffering is seen against the dark background of sin, so glaringly portrayed. The unrepentant are not left resting at Golgotha but are shown the final penalty of sin—hell.

Ye regret that the book is marred by unfortunate, inaccurate, and inconsistent statements. We refer, for example, to the following: “Father forgive them” means “Give them a chance” (p. 18); “No man would have had a chance at salvation” (p. 19). But in spite of these statements the book has great value.

One of the many fine things to be commended is its clarity of expression. If one were looking merely for apt and lucid illustrations, this book would certainly deserve a place on one’s shelf. Let me hasten to add, however. that the value of this work is not limited to that we.

Though the material lends itself to the Lenten season, we are certain that it will add enjoyment to one’s devotional hours throughout the year. Of the seven sermons, we would personally place the last, “Father, Into Thy Hands” at the top of the list.

This reviewer is confident that both minister and layman, in reading this book, will be touched anew by the brilliance of the Gold from Golgotha.

Waupun, Wisc. J. J. BYKER

JOHN J. BYKER…Pastor of the Christian Reformed Church, Waupun, Wisconsin