Review of Catechism Curricula

The following is a list of Biblically and confessionally based catechetical materials in Reformed doctrine that are presently available from the sources indicated. These materials were reviewed by a special committee of the Reformed Fellowship appointed by the board for this purpose. At its June 1993 meeting, the board authorized the publication of this list in The Outlook. It is presented here to assist the churches in selecting catechism curriculum.


• Jones, Norman, Study Helps on the Heidelberg Catechism (290 pages), RCUS Publications, H.C. 73, Box 21, Karval, CO 80823 (719) 446-5308. A 9 inch x 6 inch spiral bound workbook containing 129 lessons (one for each Q/A of the Catechism). This basic and concise study guide has two pages explaining each question followed by ten homework questions. A helpful glossary of theological terms is found in the back of the book.

• Praamsma, Louis, Before the Face of God, Paidea Press, Jordan Station, Ontario, Canada (416) 562-5719. A two volume study guide intended for a two-year class. This is a fairly contemporary workbook employing a useful format of lesson explanation followed by discussion questions with deeper level questions added at the end.

• Protestant Reformed, Heidelberg Catechism Workbooks, Protestant Reformed Seminary, 4949 Ivan rest, Grandville, Ml (616) 531-1490. A two year program intended for eighth and ninth grades. A simple format which relies heavily on teacher input.

• Spykman, Gordon, Never on Your Own, True Vine Ltd., 251 North Main, Suite 108, Sioux Center, IA 51250 (712) 722-4622. This is a two year study course of the Catechism for grades 9–10 produced by the CRC Board of Publications. Textbooks and workbooks available.

What Must I Know – Saved From Sin – and Saved to Serve (all revised since 1992). True Vine, Ltd., Sioux Center, IA (address above). These comprise a 3-year study course of the Heidelberg Catechism for grades 7–10, produced by the CRC Board of Publications, containing memory work, brief lesson explanations and thought questions.

• Visscher, Rev. J. I Belong, Inheritance Publications, Box 154, Neerlandia, AB, Canada TOG-lRD. This is a curriculum on the Heidelberg Catechism providing students in grade 9 and above with all the necessary source material and a workbook section on each Lord’s Day. It comprises a two volume textbook with a separate teacher’s manual.

• De Jong, Rev. Y. P. Introduction to the Compendium, available from the Reformed Fellowship office, 2201 Oak Industrial Dr., NE, Grand Rapids, MI 49505. A catechetical book in sacred history.


Reference Works

• Steele & Thomas, The Five Points of Calvinism (95 pages), Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, Box 817, Phillipsburg, NT 08865. Contrasts the five points with Arminianism in a helpful analysis, then defends the five points from the Scripture and concludes with documenting over 90 other works dealing with Calvinism. The simplest, most comprehensive work on the five points.

• Palmer, Edwin, The Five Points of Calvinism (88 pages), Baker Publishing. Grand Rapids, MI 49546. A helpful and basic introduction to the Canons of Dort.

• Hoeksema, Homer, The Voice of Our Fathers (861 pages), Reformed Free Publishing Association, Box 2006, Grand Rapids, MI 49501. An exhaustive exposition of the Canons which first details the history of the Synod of Dort and its work, then presents and discusses the five points, contrasting them with Arminianism and clarifying the differences between infra- and supra-lapsarianism.

• Peterson, Rev. Henry, The Canons of Dort – A Study Guide, Baker Book House, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287. Contains 21 chapters (4 on each Head of Doctrine) intended as a study guide for church groups which can also be adapted for catechetical use for high school students. Contains suggested Scripture readings and discussion questions with each chapter.


• Stam, Clarence, Everything in Christ, Inheritance Publications, Box 154, Neerlandia, AB, Canada T0G-1RO. Contains a 5–6 page explanation of each article of the Belgic Confession with questions at the end of each lesson to be answered by the student. For grades 11 & 12.

• Vander Meer, Rev. Lew and Walters, C. What We Believe, CRC Board of Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. A video series of about 20 minutes per lesson in which the speaker explains the Belgic Confession. There are 24 lessons in the series. A student workbook reviews key facts raised in each of the video presentations. For grades 9–12.


• Beeke, James, Bible Doctrine for Younger Children (181 pages each), Bible Truth Books, P.O. Box 2373, Kalamazoo, MI 49003. A two volume series of twenty chapters which contains explanations of all major Biblical doctrines. Includes over 150 stories and illustrations to assist explaining the doctrines. Incorporates catechism Q/A’s for memorization.

• Beeke, James, Bible Doctrine for Older Children (181 pages each). Two volumes that cover the doctrines at a slightly deeper level than the above.

• Beeke, James, Bible Doctrine for Teens and Young Adults (627 pages each). A three volume series covering major doctrines of the faith. written in a dear, precise and easy to read style including hundreds of charts and illustrative stories. It incorporates the Reformed doctrinal standards, discussion questions, term definitions and catechism Q/A’s for memorization.

• Beeke, Joel, Student Workbook on the Reformed Faith (145 pages each). A two volume work geared for high school students. These are more comprehensive in scope than the above. Designed for use with two other companion books.

• Lockman, Vic, Tracts, Commentaries, and Catechism Materials, Vic Lockman, publisher, p.o. Box 1916, Ramona, CA 92065. Cartoon illustrated materials that are solidly Reformed, simply and clearly communicated.

• De Jong, Dr. P.Y. Learning to Know the Lord, True Vine, Ltd., Sioux Center, IA (address above). This 63 page booklet is a study of Reformed doctrine for grade 10 students.

• Brink, Rev. Wm. P. Learning Doctrine from the Bible (revised in 1991), True Vine, Ltd., Sioux: Center, IA (address above). This catechism book presents Christian doctrine in a textual way for grades 6–9. Each of the 27 lessons contains memory questions, home study and written work

• Spykman, Gordon, Christian Faith in Focus, Baker Book House (address above). A 164 page study guide for grades 11-12 covering the doctrines of God, man, Christ, salvation, the Church and the Last Things.

• Plantinga, Dr. C.,Jr., and De Vries, Rev. Robert, A Sure Thing, CRC Board of Publications, 2850 Kalamazoo Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49560. A course in Reformed doctrine for students in grades 8–10 who have a good background in Scripture. There are 24 lessons with a student workbook included.

• De Jong, Dr. P.Y. and Sittema, Dr. John R. Beginning Course in Christian Doctrine, Reformed Fellowship office (address above). Cost is $2.00 plus postage. For grades 5–6.

• Hylkema & Tuuk, First, Second, Third, and Fourth Book in Christian Doctrine, True Vine, Ltd., Sioux: Center, fA (address above). The purpose .of this series is to provide an intelligent and systematic study of the great doctrines of the Scripture for grades 6–12.

• De Jong, Frederica, Light Upon My Path (revised 1992), True Vine, Ltd., Sioux Center, lA (address above). A course in basic Biblical doctrines for grades 3 & 4. Revised workbook included.

• Van Halsema, Thea B, With All My Heart (revised in 1992), True Vine, Ltd., Sioux Center, IA (address above). A course in basic Biblical doctrines for grades 4 & 5. Revised workbook included.

• Snapper, Dr. Marion and Spykman, Dr. Gordon, Teach Me Your Way (revised in 1992), True Vine, Ltd., Sioux Center, IA (address above). A course in basic Biblical doctrines for grades 5 & 6. Revised workbook (1993) included.


• Williamson, G.l. Study Guide for the Westminster Shorter Catechism, Presbyterian & Reformed Publishing, Box 817, Phillipsburg, NJ 0886S. Two volumes clearly explaining the truths of Scripture summarized in the catechism. Each lesson begins with the catechism question, with Scripture proofs written out, followed by an explanation and illustrations, and concluded with study questions appropriate for homework.

• Williamson, G.I. Study Guide for the Westminster Confession of Faith. A one volume work detailing each of the confession’s articles. Similar in style and format to the above mentioned study guide.

• Williamson, G.l. Catechism for Young Children, Great Commission Publications, 7001 Peachtree Industrial Blvd., Suite 120, Norcross, GA, (BOO) 695-3387. An excellent introduction to catechism memorization. Can be used with children as young as two and a half.

Children’s Ministry International, P.O. Box 679, Clarkston, GA 30021, (404) 493-8952. A creative presentation of the catechism for ages 4–12 and 10–teens. Includes attractive flannelgraph visuals. Uses the King James Version of the Bible.

Bible Doctrine, Great Commission Publications, 7001 Peachtree lndustrial Blvd., Suite 120, Norcross, GA, (800) 695-3387. A two year study course for junior high teens (with a teacher’s kit for year two).