Book Briefs March 1995

The Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism

Robert B. Strimple, Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Theological Seminary in California has recently published The Modern Search for the Real Jesus: An Introductory Survey of the Historical Roots of Gospels Criticism. Critical scholars have increasingly questioned the reliability of the Gospels, voicing doubts as to what, if anything, we can know about the historical Jesus. But are the critics as objective as they purpose to be? Robert Strimple examines their claims and assumptions in this concise survey of the historical roots of Gospels criticism from Reimarus to Bultmann and beyond. ISBN: 0-87552-455-9, 168 pages, paper $10.99 list price. P & R Publishing Co., Tel: 1-800-631-0094 or FAX: 1-908-859-2390.

Lord and Christ: The Implications of Lordship for Faith and Life

Ernest C. Reisinger, pastor emeritus of Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida, and a frequent conference speaker has recently published Lord and Christ: The Implications of Lordship for Faith and Life. Can a person have Jesus as Savior and not as Lord? What happens to the central doctrines of Scripture when Christ’s lordship is viewed as optional? How does the non-lordship view impact practical matters such as evangelism, preaching, counsel, growth in grace and assurance? Ernest C. Reisinger discusses these and other crucial issues to show the implications of the “lordship controversy” for theology and life. ISBN: 0-87552-3889, 198 pages, paper $8.99 list price. P and R Publishing Co., Tel: 1-800-631-0094 or FAX: 1908-859-2390.

Paradigms in Polity: Classic Readings in Reformed and Presbyterian Church Government

David W. Hall, pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, and Joseph H. Hall, associate professor of church history and librarian at Knox Theological Seminary, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, editors, have just published Paradigms in Polity: Classic Readings in Reformed and Presbyterian Church Government. This volume is a comprehensive, chronological anthology of significant documents on Presbyterian and Reformed church government, including many out-of-print selections and several new English translations. These classic materials address the question: “How does Scripture speak to the issue of church government?” Arranged historically, the selections in Paradigms in Polity begin with the earliest testimonies to God’s plan for church order and proceed through me development of Western civilization. The thirty-nine entries in the book include documents detailing the historical foundation of church polity and the polities of the Presbyterian and Reformed churches in continental Europe, Scotland, England and North America. ISBN; 0-8028-0684-8, xiii + 621 pages, paperback, $29.99, September 1994. Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 255 Jefferson Ave. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. Tel (616) 459-4591.

When Joy Withers Away

Rev. Calvin D. Vander Meyden, a pastor in the Christian Reformed Church, has recently published When Joy Withers Away, his poignant story of the death from SIDS of his three-and-one-half month old grandson, Travis Genzink. It is a book which gives hope and guidelines to grieving parents and grandparents. 16 pages, $3.00. deRuyter-Nelson Publications, Inc., 1885 University Ave., Suite 110, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55104. Tel: (612) 645-7045 or FAX: (612) 645-4780.