Worldwide Meets Health Needs World Wide

In an increasingly dangerous world, health concerns are indeed world wide. Whether it is SARS, AIDS or other life threatening diseases that afflict many, much effort and money goes to assisting those stricken, whether the innocent victims or those who engage in unhealthy behaviors. In many areas of the world it is children who are often the most innocent but the ones most affected. Statistics on the life expectancy of children in developing nations is distressing to those who believe all are made in God’s image.

Worldwide Christian Schools, whose home office is at 1009 44th St. SW in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is committed to helping the educational efforts of Christian schools in developing countries like Africa, India, and Central America. These countries, especially in rural areas and among the poor, are in desparate need of not only literacy, but of more attention to health issues along with the Christian gospel.

According to Dale Dieleman, Field Director of WCS, WCS is collaborating with the Reformed Church of East Africa to produce elementary school curriculum which covers many aspects of health, including AIDS.

Dieleman said, “We see schools, and particularly Christian schools, as the best hope for these countries to improve attitudes and behaviors in young people”. These materials will be sent initially to the Reformed Christian schools in Kenya for field testing in selected partner organizations.

For a dozen years, Worldwide Christian Schools has helped schools in third world countries with building projects and with teaching equipment. Now it is turning its attention to teacher training and curriculum helps.

Where textbooks are either scarce or nonexistent, we believe that Worldwide can meet a real need, Dieleman suggested. Worldwide Christian Schools looks to schools and the children in them as their mission focus, knowing that it is the next generation that will determine the health and welfare of their people.

Submitted by Dr. Donald Oppewal