Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary Groundbreaking

Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary (PRTS) held a groundbreaking ceremony for its new building project on March 18, 2004. The new site is located at 2965 Leonard NE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49525. The ceremony was attended by students, faculty, and friends of PRTS. Many ministers and elders who were in Grand Rapids for the Theological Seminary Committee and Classis meetings were able to join us for this special occasion.

Rev. Mark Kelderman, chairman of the Theological Seminary Committee, opened with prayer and reading of Psalm 90:14–17 and Heb. 3:1–6. Dr. Gerald Bilkes, Professor of Old and New Testament, gave a short address on Psalm 90:16–17 and provided a dedicatory meditation of the land.

John DeBlaay, the Office Project Manager at Dan Vos Construction, explained the seminary’s layout on the construction site. For the actual groundbreaking, Mr. DeBlaay was joined by Mr. Kevin Ash (chairman of the Building Committee), Dr. Joel Beeke (President and Professor of Systematic Theology and Homiletics), Dr. Gerald Bilkes, Rev. Kelderman, Mr. Jake Sinke (chairman of the Seminary Education Committee), and Mr. Dan VanRee (Dan Vos Construction on-site supervisor).

Dr. Beeke closed the ceremony with prayer.

We ask that you would continue to remember PRTS and the building project in prayer, asking the Lord for safety for the construction crew and for His grace and blessing to rest on the seminary and its students.