Letter to the Editor
Barker William P., Buis Harry, Conn Harvie M., De Vries Ann, Hendriksen, William, Meeter Merle, Neilsen Neils C., Palmer, Edwin H., Taylor E.L. Hebden A Look at Books
Belz, Joel, Chao Jonathan Faith Under Pressure: The Christian Church in China Today
Blankespoor John Elected Unto Holiness
De Jong, Peter Where is Berkouwer Leading?
Kloosterman, Nelson Creed in Crisis
Praamsma, Louis Should We Have Female Office-Bearers? I
Tietsma Betty Christian Hospitality
Christian Hospitality
Faith Under Pressure: The Christian Church in China Today
Should We Have Female Office-Bearers? I
Acts of Synod 1977 Creed in Crisis
Bible versions Letter to the Editor
Economics Money and Banking, Hendriksen’s Commentaries, The Country of the Risen King, The Gospel of Luke, The Religion of President Carter, Who’s Who in Church History, Why Johnny Can’t Learn A Look at Books
Ephesians 1:4 Elected Unto Holiness
Studies in Dogmatics Where is Berkouwer Leading?