Arnold, Harry
- The Angel of the Lord (5)
Boekestein, William
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 11: Pharisaism and Discipleship Mark 8:1–38
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 12: The Transfiguration, Faith, and Unbelief Mark 9:1–29
Green, Bill and Aletha
- The Reformed Movement in Latin America (1)
Hyde, Daniel
- A Catechism on the Holy Spirit (2) The Work of the Holy Spirit Upon Jesus Christ
Kearney, Michael
- How to Evade the Worship Wars
Oord, Wybren
- God’s Drunken Men
- The Forgotten Holy Day
Schout, Michael
- What to Look for in a Future Wife
Tuinstra, Jason
- Neighbor Love
Venema, Cornelis
- Christ’s Kingship in All of Life Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestickmakers in the Service of Christ (2)1
Acts, disciples, judgment, Pentacost, truth
- God’s Drunken Men
Calvin, music, structure
- How to Evade the Worship Wars
Central America, Costa Rica, missions
- The Reformed Movement in Latin America (1)
Elijah, faith, Moses, transfiguration
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 12: The Transfiguration, Faith, and Unbelief Mark 9:1–29
Jerusalem, Jesus, Joshua, Judah, Zechariah
- The Angel of the Lord (5)
ascension, Heidelberg Catechism, incarnation, ministry
- A Catechism on the Holy Spirit (2) The Work of the Holy Spirit Upon Jesus Christ
ascension, holidays, Jesus
- The Forgotten Holy Day
call, disciples, Pharisees
- Bible Study on Mark Lesson 11: Pharisaism and Discipleship Mark 8:1–38
creation, kingdom of God, redemption
- Christ’s Kingship in All of Life Butchers, Bakers, and Candlestickmakers in the Service of Christ (2)1
helpful, humility, husband, marriage
- What to Look for in a Future Wife
live, Love, mission, pray
- Neighbor Love