In Jesus’ High Priestly Prayer recorded for us in John 17, we hear Jesus praying tenderly for “those which you (the Father) have given me” who are in the world but not of it. But not only does Jesus pray for those living at that time, but He goes on to say, “I pray also for all who will believe in me through their message that all of them may be one.”
In the last century, orthodox Christians have looked on with dismay while ecumenical organizations such as the World Council of Churches, the National Council of Churches, and even the World Alliance of Reformed Churches have compromised their commitment to the truths of the Word of God. The WCC is now suggesting that membership be opened to nonChristian groups. The NCC has announced that it anticipates a $1.8 million deficit for the first six months of 2001. WARC suffered a leadership credibility crisis when its former president, Rev. Alan Boesak, was jailed for embezzlement and fraud.
Is it really possible in this fractured world, to achieve the unity for which Jesus prayed in John 17? The answer is “yes”! If the Lord has commanded unity, He can make it possible to achieve.
In 1994 the World Fellowship of Reformed Churches began with the goal of uniting resources and vision for the whole world, beginning with Central and South America. Dr. K. Eric Perrin was the president of the movement, and Dr. Paul Gilchrist was the secretary. In 1998, Rev. Bill Green was appointed Executive Secretary of WFRC.
About the same time, Dr. John E. Kim met together with Dr. Luder Whitlock, and Dr. W. Robert Godfrey to establish International Reformed Fellowship (lRF), a ministry to unite Reformed people in Asia.
Recently, Dr. Whitlock invited Dr. Kim, Dr. K. Eric Perrin and Dr. Paul Gilchrist to partidpate in the dedication of the new facility of Reformed Theological Seminary (RTS) in Orlando, Florida, and at that time the 4 men discussed the possibility of joining the Latin America fellowship and the Asia fellowship together, and enlarging it to include Reformed work throughout the world.
A meeting was called for October 24–27, 2000 in Orlando, Florida at the Reformed Theological Seminary campus and the nearby Canterbury Retreat Center. General Assembly moderators, stated clerks, seminary professors and pastors representing hundreds of congregations in 5 world regions—Latin America, Asia, North America, Europe, and Africa—met to join the two existing organizations and bring on new world regions to form the World Reformed Fellowship as a visible expression of the Reformed faith. The Preamble to the By-Laws adopted by the Fellowship, enunciates its purpose:
With gratitude to God, the Intemational Reformed Fellowship joined the World Fellowship of Reformed Churches in October 2000 which then changed the name to World Reformed Fellowship.
Both fellowships were formed in the early nineteen nineties to seek to promote the Reformed faith as a witness to the world of the sovereignty of God in the redemption of his people through the Lord Jesus Christ. This people of God, with diversified cultural and ethnic backgrounds, are one in Christ. God has enabled us to express the unity of the church in the bonds of peace through cooperative agreements, having the same biblical, evangelical and missionary vision. Thus, believing that these are but expressions of a well thought out Reformed perspective, we would invite other Reformed churches, agencies, institutions and individuals to join with us under the following principles.
The World Reformed Fellowship makes the distinction of being a fellowship, not a council. World Reformed Fellowship recognizes that barriers of distance, culture and language often make it difficult for a church to develop and maintain binding ties with a church or churches of another country, which is essential to the conciliar model. A fellowship provides the context in which churches, ministries and institutions may become acquainted with each other, and where their leaders may develop friendships and trusting relationships leading to closer, mutually beneficial cooperation. Members of a fe llowship are not obligated formally to be responsible for one another’s positions or actions, but in an atmosphere of free association, may lovingly influence each other toward greater consistency in biblical faith and witness.
To assure the greatest possible unity in doctrine, the new organization adopted the following doctrinal basis:
We affirm the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments as the authoritative God-breathed and inerrant word of God. We stand in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith in affirming the catholic creeds of the early church such as the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed, and the Chalcedon Creed. More specifically, we hold to one or more of the historic expressions of the Reformed faith such as the Westminster Confession of Faith and the Catechisms, the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, and the declarations of the Canons of Dort, the Thirty Nine Articles, the Second Helvetic Confession, and the Scots Confession of 1560, the 2nd London Confession of 1689, the Gallican Confession, and the Savoy Declaration.
As a refined statement of its purpose, the World Reformed Fellowship adopted the following:
The purpose of the WRF shall be to promote understanding and cooperation in the following ways:
1) To promote Reformed thinking and a Reformed world and life view;
2) To inform and encourage churches and people who embrace the Reformed faith;
3) To provide a network for communication and the sharing of ministry resources;
4) To provide a forum for dialogue on current issues;
5) To offer direction to the evangelical Reformed community;
6) To promote global evangelization in the basis of Reformed tradition;
7) To maintain, strengthen and defend the sound doctrines and biblical-theological tenents that distinguish us as Reformed Christians.
World Reformed Fellowship will promote its ministry with creativity, flexibility and efficiency. Our mission goal should drive our structure and administration as we adapt to the opportunity and needs of the hour. We should proactively seek out individuals who can help WRF attain its objectives.
To help achieve these goals, we will be retiring as editors of The Outlook magazine, having served for eleven years in that capacity, to become the new Directors of Communications for World Reformed Fellowship. Details of the plans that have been developed to begin to meet the objectives stated above, will be presented toward the end of this article.
Although about 80 Reformed leaders from around the world gathered in Orlando in October, membership in WRF remains open to everyone who will subscribe to the doctrinal basis and share the vision. Membership is open on various levels and voting privileges will be assigned proportionately.
1) Church denominations may join;
2) A congregation of a nonparticipating denomination may join;
3) Educational institutions and mission agencies which have no denominational affiliation may join;
4) Individuals who may not otherwise be a representative of any of the above organizations may join as members.
To obtain a membership application, please write to:
World Reformed Fellowship 5637 Bush River Road Columbia, South Carolina 29212
The Conference
Day One
On Tuesday afternoon, October 24, the conference convened at Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. It began with a worship service, Dr. K. Eric Perrin presiding. Dr. Luder Whitlock, president of RTS seminary, preached on the subject, “Reformed Vision and Mission.” Pointing to an unfinished painting of four great reformers, Dr. Whitlock explained that the painting was not finished and never will be because “the Reformation is unfinished.” We have as Reformed Christians, not yet achieved that oneness of which Paul speaks in Ephesians 4:4–6: “There is one body and one Spirit—just as you were called to one hope when you were called – one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all.” The speaker emphasized two things: 1) We need to know the rightness of our theology and then confess it boldly in this day of liberalism and postmodernism (no absolute truth). Reformed theology, unlike much of modern evangelicalism, strongly adheres to a biblical world and life view, and that is the answer to the tragedies of today’s world. We need to spread this Gospel; build others up in this Gospel, and support each other. 2) We need to have Paul’s concept of God. Today’s emphasis in evangelical circles is that we need to accept God. Really, we need to be acceptable to God. Whitlock expressed a deepened appreciation of John Calvin who started with knowledge of who God is, and then moved to how I relate to this God. God only is great. Whatever we do for Him is significant only because of who He is. We need to obey His Great Commission, and He will take our feeble efforts and multiply their effect as He did in the miracle of the loaves and the fishes.
The worship service was followed by an hour of historical sketches regarding the beginnings and progress of the two fellowships proposing the merger. Dr. Joseph Tong reported on countries included by International Reformed Fellowship. He expressed concern that Pentecostalism is taking a toll in Asia. In China, everything is breaking down. The four pillars of their society—tradition, law, morality, and religion—are shaking. There are 250 students involved in Reformed theological education, ten hours a day, and that is encouraging. Reformed training is also meeting with success in Indonesia, Myanmar, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Thailand has seventeen graduates from Reformed Theological Seminary. In India, Buddhism is very aggressive.
They have even adapted the Hallelujah Chorus from Handel’s Messiah, to Buddhist words.
Rev. Bill Green reported for Latin America. He outlined the difficulties that cultures are facing in this area of the world: social and economic pressures due to foreign competition, urbanization, rampant individualism, divorce, multiplication of street children, and a proliferation of new religions of all kinds.
Rev. Bill Green (Latin America) But Rev. Green also presented the challenges of today—ease in traveling, and instant communications. He urged the church to take advantage of these new developments. He expressed the need to focus on the local church and its leaders, training of lay leaders, elders, deacons, lay pastors, and evangelists. He urged the new fellowship to promote the work of Reformed theological seminaries, creating a network in order to share information, news bulletins, articles from professors; providing the relationships necessary to eventually share professors between institutions, promoting the development, through joint efforts, of extension centers where seminaries do not exist. He encouraged congregations to join together to plant churches, sharing resources that cannot be provided by just one church. He presented the need for publications of various materials in the languages of the people. “Is all this idealistic?” he asked. “Yes.” “Are there obstacles?” “Many.” “But our unity in a common faith unites us, and a common task beckons us forward. With God’s help we can show the world we are one, and we can carry out more effective ministry as we help one another.”
In the evening, another worship service was held. Dr. Parker Williamson, editor of The Presbyterian Layman, preached on the subject: “The Beauty of Reformed Fellowship.” The content of his message is printed on page 11 of this issue of The Outlook.
The first day finished with a session of testimonies on “What God is Doing Around the World.” Three of them are featured here.
South Africa reported that its secular government was no longer favorable to Christianity. Its liberal constitution supports abortion on demand, legalized prostitution and gambling. Crime and corruption are the primary problems. AIDS is a relatively new enemy with 1000 people affected per day. One out of four has the AIDS virus. Small villages are being wiped out and the orphan population is increasing dramatically. There is deep humility among the Christians. The church has lost credibility because of apartheid. There is a real revival of prayer and interest in missions among them.
The Reformed Presbyterian Church in Myanmar, represented by RTS Disciple Training Center—Yangon, reported that December 1, 1995, this Reformed church was born. There are now 16 churches. Nine pastors and 7 missionaries have been trained at the RTS Disciple Training Center. They are drawing people to the Bible, to the Westminster Confession and the systematic theology of Louis Berkhof. They have established 3 presbyteries: the Delta Presbytery, the Hill Presbytery, and
the Valley Presbytery. They are very enthusiastic about the future. From June through September of the year 2000, 50 Buddhists came to Christ.
The Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Peru reported that the first Presbyterian church was planted in Peru 78 years ago, and they have been actively engaged in church planting. A biblical Reformed seminary will begin in 2001. They hope to establish Reformed University Ministries on 12 campuses in northern Peru. All the universities permit this ministry. They have a real passion for the publication of Reformed literature, focusing first on Calvin’s Institutes, the Westminster Confession of Faith, Berkhof’s History ofReformed Doctrine, and commentaries on the New Testament -all in Spanish.
Day Two
The Wednesday morning session was opened with devotions led by Dr. P.J. (Flip) Buys from South Africa. This devotional is printed in this issue of The Outlook on page 15. The February issue will carry Dr. Buys’ Thursday morning devotional.
On Wednesday morning, delegates to the conference attended two sets of seminars. The first set of seminars treated the following subjects: 1) “Response of the Church: Relief for the Suffering Church,” presenter, Rev. Jorge Lopez from Mexico; 2) “Theological Education,” presenter, Dr. Joseph Tong, USA; 3) “Ministry in Urban Centers,” presenter, Dr. Aldo Fontao, Argentina; 4) “Revitalization of Reformed Worship,” presenter, Dr. Patrick Rukenya, Kenya.
The second set of seminars treated the following subjects: 1) “Evangelism and the Reformed Faith,” presenter, Dr. Cecilio “Woody” Lajara, USA; 2) “Technology and the Reformation,” presenter, Dr. Richard Pratt, USA; 3) “Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Protestantism,” presenter, Professor Emil Bartos, Romania; 4) “Theology and Korean Church Growth,” presenter, Dr. Aaron Pyungchoon Park, Korea.
The rest of the day was spent discussing the by-laws and various other matters of bUSiness, concluding with a worship service in the evening at which Dr. Thomas Ascol preached on the subject: “Commitment: The Heritage of the Reformed Faith.”
Dr. Buys from South Africa again opened the day with devotions, the text of which will appear in the February issue of The Outlook.
The delegates then divided into groups to discuss areas of special ministry in which it was felt that World Reformed Fellowship could assist in the future.
In education, the delegates expressed the need for assistance in all Christian education, from elementary day school through university, and theological education. In this regard it was noted that some of the areas represented, for example, Korea and the USA, have many men with advanced theological degrees, and most other countries have none or very few. It was urged that the greatly endowed share with the less endowed by establishing a loan program where trained Reformed theologians spend chunks of time in another country, teaching in their area of expertise. Some of this is beginning to be done, but the practice needs to become much more widespread. Communication systems must be established; lay persons must become excited about funding such programs.
In evangelism, many countries reported on models of evangelism they have found to be effective.
They expressed a real need for direction and substance for women’s ministries. So few men in these countries go to church. They stressed the importance of strong discipleship ministries and more planned mass meetings where Christians from a larger area can come together to hear speakers wellversed in the doctrines of the Bible.
In the area of publications, it was pointed out that all the goals of WRF expressed in the by-laws could only be accomplished by communication. Print media is certainly very important. News exchange from around the world is crucial; each area represented (and the ones that were not yet represented) needs to have its own correspondent to report to WRF. But there is also a need for a journal, or articles of thoughtful theological reflection on many subjects regarding doctrine and life. The need for an active web site and perhaps someday, an expanded Reformed signal through a powerful radio station like HCJB, was expressed. Attention was to the effectiveness of the World Council of Churches, that, although they were and are liberal, they have nevertheless had a strong impact because of the thoroughness and sophistication of their system of communication.
Later in the morning of day 3, delegates again divided into sections to discuss the five world regions represented at this meeting: Europe, Africa, Latin America, Asia, and North America. Each region was to discuss the Reformed denominations located in their region (some of which were not yet represented at WRF), the needs of the region, the resources of the region, and the means of communication within the region.
The region of Europe was found to be weak. In the United Kingdom there is the Free Church of Scotland, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Northern Ireland, the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Ireland, the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of England and Wales. A need was expressed for church revitalization in Scotland where there are many Reformed pastors but weak congregations due to liberal ministers in their past.
Dr. Andrew McGowan shared exciting information on the new Highland Theological College in Dingwall, Scotland of which he is principal. This theological college provides opportunities for men and women to study the Christian faith on a fulltime, part-time, or open learning basis, from an evangelical and Reformed perspective, in the context of a worshiping community. A beautiful catalog is available by
Brazil reported a strong Reformed seminary and graduate school in San Paulo. Mexico has 7 Reformed seminaries and theological schools. Asia reported that Thailand and Korea have a strong Reformed presence, Myanmar has translation needs. Africa expressed concerns about aids, training and discipleship and leadership training. They want to encourage Reformed Christians to go into politics. Witchcraft continues to be a problem and family values are eroding.
Dr. L. Roy Taylor, Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA), reported on North America. He acknowledged the presence of Reformed seminaries such as Reformed Theological Seminary, Westminster Seminaries and Mid-America Reformed Seminary. He recognized publications such as The Outlook, Christian Observer, The Presbyterian Layman, and the PCAnews web site. He expressed concern that Reformed denominations are not doing a good job of outreach among blacks and Hispanics in the United States. He observed that mainline Reformed churches have not only plateaued, but are declining. He lamented a great deal of ignorance regarding the Reformed faith in its own churches. He recommended that there be a much greater and more frequent flow of information between Reformed works everywhere; that the needs and resources of Reformed fields everywhere be made known. He even suggested that perhaps other countries should send missionaries to the United States to help with ministries to minority groups.
The afternoon of day 3 was spent in concluding the business of WRF. In the evening, the final worship service was held with Dr. Peter Jones, professor of New Testament from Westminster Seminary in California, speaking on the subject, “Reformed Response to the Challenge.”
Personal Profiles
It would be impossible to feature every delegate to this unique conference. But we would like our readers to become acquainted with the breadth of the Reformed work around the world by examining the names and places of residence of those who attended. For that reason we are devoting 2 pages (9 & 10) for this information.
We also want to introduce a few of the people with whom we had indepth conversations at the conference.
Lois Semenye
Lois Semenye, the managing director for Christian Learning Materials Center in Nairobi, Kenya, East Africa, went to a boarding high school in her native country of Kenya. Her mend had b:rome a Christian and Dr. Lois Semenye Lois began going (Kenya, East Africa) to Christian gatherings with her friend in her second year of high school, and she became a Christian. Navigators discipled Lois. One of them was Reformed and taught Lois biblical truth from the Reformed perspective. Subsequently, this disciple steered Lois to Covenant Christian College (PCA) in Lookout Mountain where Lois majored in history and Bible, and minored in education. She was involved in New City Fellowship church in Chattanooga.
Seeing a great need for Sunday School materials in her country of Kenya, Lois realized she needed more education. She enrolled at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi and later graduated with a degree in education. She went back to Kenya and began teaching in a new Christian college called Daystar Christian College. She taught Christian Ministry courses designed for children and youth of all ages. During her 14 years at Daystar College, she went back to the United States to Biola University in Los Angeles where she earned her Ph.D. in human development, in 1990. When she returned to Daystar College she became chairman of the education department. In 1997 she left Daystar College to become the managing director of Christian Learning Materials Center, a research and curriculum development center established in 1981 as a project of the Association of Evangelicals in Africa (AEA). The materials designed by the center are culturally relevant to the African setting, educationally effective and thoroughly biblical. The materials are published in English, and sometimes translated into French, Kiswahili, Shona and Ndebele.
But the center cannot give out the tools without training teachers on how to use the tools. So Lois is involved in developing teacher training materials—building a strong Sunday School; how to use CLMC materials; how to tell a Bible story; how to memorize verses with meaning; renewing and encouraging teachers. She is also involved in the actual training of teachers. She also directs the writers who write materials, in writing skills and theological knowledge. God bless you, Lois.
Alonzo Ramirez
Dr. Alonzo Ramirez is the Moderator of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Peru, a Reformed denomination started by the Free Church of Scotland. Alonzo received his Ph.D. in intercultural (Peru) studies from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Mississippi. He is the Director of Church Planting for his denomination. God bless you, Alonzo.
Guilhermino Cunha
The Rev. Guilhermino Cunha is the Moderator (PreSident) of the Supreme Council (General Assembly) of the Presbyterian Church of Brazil, a denomination of 3,715 churches organized into 220 presbyteries.
Three to five presbyteries are subsequently organized into a synod, and 56 synods make up the Supreme Council of which Rev. Cunha is Moderator.
This church was established in 1859 by a missionary from the United States, a graduRev. Guilhermino Cunha ate of Princeton (Brazil) Seminary, Ashbel Green. The first congregation was organized in 1862, and Pastor Cunha has served this congregation, the Presbyterian Cathedral of Rio de Janeiro, for the past 20 years. He preaches in Portuguese.
This denomination covers all 26 states of Brazil and serves a population of 170 million. It has 8 seminaries (1000 students), 5 Bible institutes, and 1 postgraduate center in San Paulo with 500 students seeking masters’ degrees. In 2001 the center will begin a Doctor of Ministry graduate program with Reformed Theological Seminary. Church planters in this denomination are trained in the Bible institutes and go through an assessment before going to the field.
Rev. Cunha is also Chairman of the Bible Society of Brazil established 50 years ago. This Bible Society distributed 50 million Bibles in the year 2000 alone. In 1997, it was the first in the world in distribution. Now it is second in the world, and first in Latin America, Asia and Africa.
Rev. Cunha is studying for his Doctor of Ministry degree with Reformed Theological Seminary in Orlando, Florida. God bless you, Guilhermino.
The leadership of the new World Reformed Fellowship includes Dr. Paul Gilchrist, former Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church in America, named Executive Secretary; Dr. Luder Whitlock, President of Reformed Theological Seminary; Dr. Rick Perrin, pastor of Cornerstone Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Columbia, SC, elected Chairman; Dr. Joseph Tong, Presiden t of International Theological Seminary in Los Angeles, and Dr. John E. Kim of Korea. WRF has a 26-member Governing Board representing 18 nations.
As we mentioned earlier in this article, we have accepted the responsibility of becoming Director of Communications for World Reformed Fellowship, retiring after eleven years, as editors of The Outlook.
As we contemplated how to best facilitate the goals spelled out in the by-laws, and fulfill the desires and expectations of the delegates present at the conference, we came to the conclusion that a magazine would be slow and cumbersome if it were the only mode of communication. So we have presented the proposal that we establish a state of the art web site which will present current news from Reformed fields around the world, furnished by correspondents. We will also feature articles on many subjects (doctrine, education, the church—officebearers, pastors, women’s ministries, children and youth ministries—missions, evangelism, the Christian home, contemporary issues, stewardship, and many others); a Reformed Round Table, structured and monitored, to discuss topics of interest to all those interested in the Reformed faith; a column for Ministry Resources—print media, audiovisual media, electronic media, conferences, events, leadership training, book reviews; a column for Ministry Opportunities where people can log on to discover what opportunities for short-term or long-term volunteer service may be available; a Ministry Vision column which develops the visions of book translation into other languages, audiotape releases via the internet, a print journal of Reformed reflection, and other ideas; a column for Ministry Connections to bring together people on local, national, regional and global levels. In addition to the web site, we propose a one or two page bulletin to be mailed in bulk to churches, organizations, institutions and individuals once or twice a month, containing a short version of news, article teasers, ministry opportunities and resources, free of charge. The hope is that denominations, congregations, organizations, institutions, individuals, and foundations will be lead to send contributions to subsidize this very valuable ministry.
We are thrilled with the formation of World Reformed Fellowship and look forward eagerly to facilitating its outreach around the world in preparation for that wonderful Day of the Lord described Revelation 7:9–12:
After this I looked and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.”
All the angels were standing around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. They fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God saying: “Amen! Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever, Amen!”
Rev. Vanden Heuvel is pastor of the Covenant Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Holland, MI, and coeditor of The Outlook with his wife, Laurie Vanden Heuvel is a graduate of Calvin College, and of the master’s degree program at Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. She taught part or full-time in Christian schools for 30 years. The Vanden Heuvels have 5 married children and 12 grandchildren.
Attendees of the World Reformed Fellowship Conference
Isaac Ababio, Ghana (East Legon Presbyterian-Hour of Visitation Ministry)
Dr. Iyortyom and wife Rachel Achineku, Nigeria (Pastor; former Rector of RTCN)
Dr. and Mrs. (Donna) Thomas Ascol, Florida (Executive Director and Secretary, Founders Ministries)
Dr. Emil Bartos, Romania (Director of the Center for Reformation Studies)
Pierre Berthoud, France (President, Professor of Old Testament and Apologetics, Reformed Seminary, Aix-en-Provence)
Roberto Brasileiros-Silas, Brazil (Vice Moderator, Presbyterian Church of Brazil)
Dr. Philip J. (Flip) Buys, South Africa (President, Mukhanyo Theological College)
Dr. Robert Cannada, North Carolina (Executive Vice President, Reformed Theological Seminary)
Mohan Chako, India (President, Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary)
Samuel Chang, California (President, Miju Presbyterian General Assembly)
Carlos Cruz, Puerto Rico (Pastor; Professor Iglesia Cristiana Reformada [P.A.])
Guilhermino Cunha, Brazil (President, Presbyterian Church of Brazil)
Dercy DeLIMA, Brazil (lgreja Presbiteriana do Brasil)
Robert G. denDulk, California (denDulk Christian Foundation)
Emiliano Jaramillo Donoso, Quito, Ecuador, South America (Iglesia Reformada Presbiteriana Ecuador)
Reynaldo V. Eusebio, Philippines (General Secretary, Presbyterian Church of the Philippines)
Dr. AIdo Fontao, Argentina (Pastor, Saint Andrews Presbyterian Church)
Ferdinand Gbewonyo, Ghana (Moderator, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Ghana)
Dr. Paul Gilchrist, Georgia (Former Stated Clerk of the PCA; Executive Director ofWRF)
Michael J. Glodo, Michigan (Stated Clerk; Evangelical Presbyterian Church [EPCD
Bill Green, Costa Rica (Pastor; Executive Secretary of CLIR)
Dr. Cornelius (Neal) Hegeman, Florida (Director of Hispanic Ministries, Ministries in Action, and Miami International Seminary)
Paul Huang Ho-Lung, Taiwan (Pastor, Presbyterian Church of Taiwan)
Bruce B. Howes, Delaware (Pastor; Interchurch Relations Committee Presbyterian Church in America [PCAD
James Y. Hwangbo, California (Co-President, Korean American Presbyterian Church)
Dr. Nelson Jennings, Missouri (Associate Professor of World Missions, Covenant Theological Seminary (PCA), St. Louis)
Dr. Peter Jones, California (Professor of New Testament, Westminster Seminary)
Edward Kasaija, Uganda (Chairman Missions Committee, Presbyterian Church of Uganda)
Dr. John E. Kim, Korea (President, Hap Dong General Assembly Seminary in Seoul; Vice Chairman, WRF)
Dr. Samuel J. Kim, California (Christian Presbyterian Church)
Dr. Seok Won Kim, Florida (Pastor, Reformed Church in America)
Sungsoo Kwon, Korea
Dr. Cecilio (Woody) Lajara, Georgia (WRF Treasurer; Latin American Director Evangelism Explosion)
Dr. Sam Logan, Pennsylvania (President, Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia)
Augustus Lopes, Brazil (Dean, Andrew Jumper Graduate Center, MacKenzie College)
Jorge Lopez, Mexico (Pastor, Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana de Mexico)
Malcolm Maclean, Scotland (Managing Editor, Christian Focus Publications)
Francisco Magana, Mexico (President, Iglesia Nacional Presbiteriana)
Maruyama, Japan (Moderator, Reformed Presbyterian Church of Japan)
Dr. Andrew McGowan, Scotland (WRF Second Vice Chairman; Principal, Highland Theological College)
Timothy McKeown, Georgia (PCA, Mission to North America; Multicultural Church Planting Coordinator)
Pedro Merino, Peru (First Vice President, Iglesia Evangelica Presbiteriana y Reformada en el Peru)
Ludgero Morais, Brazil (President CLIR; Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Belo Horizonte)
Carlos Padilla, Honduras (Pastor, Iglesia Reformada Unida; Coordinator Regional CLIR)
Dr. Peter Pamudji, Indonesia (President, Aletheia Theological Institute)
Dr. Aaron Park, Korea (PreSident, Christian Theological Colleges; Adjunct Professor, RTS, Orlando, FL)
Yong Park, Korea
Dr. K. Eric Perrin, South Carolina (WRF Chairman; Senior Pastor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church [PCAD
Silas Pinto, Florida (Pastor; Presbyterian Church [PCUSAD
Robert Pitman, California (Moderator -Leadership Team Knox Fellowship)
Dr. Alonzo Ramirez, Peru (Moderator, Head of Church Planting, Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Peru)
Roberto Rampola, Puerto Rico
Dr. Richard Ramsay, Florida (Professor, representing LOGOI)
Johan Reiners, South Mrica (Stated Clerk, Christian Reformed Church of South Africa)
Angel E. Rodriguez, Puerto Rico (Pastor; Director Seminary Christian Reformed)
Patrick Rukenya, Kenya (Secretary General, Presbyterian Church of East Africa)
Ricardo Santana-Rivas, Mexico (PreSident, San Pablo Seminary)
Dr. Lois Semenye, Kenya (Managing Director, Christian Learning Materials Center)
John Shane, Georgia (PCA -Mission to the World, Regional DirectorSouthern Africa)
Peterson Sozi, Uganda (Director, Back to God Evangelistic Association)
Byung Sun, Korea (Pastor, Kunkwang Church)
Supardan, Indonesia (General Secretary, Indonesian Bible Society)
Johanes Lilik Susanto, Indonesia (Head of Evangelism -Discipleship Department, and Lecturer in Reformed Evangelical Seminary of Indonesia and Reformed Institute of Indonesia)
Dr. Daniel Szabo, Hungary (Vice President of General Synod, Reformed Church of Hungary)
Dr. L. Roy Taylor, Georgia (Stated Clerk, Presbyterian Church in America [PCAD
Dr. Tial Hlei Thanga, Myanmar (General Secretary/President, Reformed Presbyterian Church in Myanmar; RTS–Disciple Training Center, Yangon)
Ken Thompson, Georgia (Pastor; Mission to the World [PCA] Area Director Latin America/Africa)
Caleb Tong, Indonesia
Joseph Tong, Indonesia (WRF First Secretary; President International Theological Seminary)
Samuel Trinidad, Mexico
Rev. Thomas and Laurie Vanden Heuvel, Michigan (Editors, The Outlook)
Allen Vander Pol, Florida (Pastor; representing United Reformed Churches)
Dr. Comelis Venema, Indiana (Dean of Faculty, Mid-America Reformed Seminary)
Luder Whitlock, Florida (President, Reformed Theological Seminary)
Parker Williamson, North Carolina (Pastor; Executive Editor, The Presbyterian Layman)