We are happy to be able to announce to our readers that Professor John Murray, professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, has accepted the invitation of Reformed Fellowship, Inc., to give a series of four lectures in Grand Rapids on the evenings of Thursday, May 21; Friday, May 22; Monday, May 23; and Tuesday, May 24. These lectures will deal with the teachings of John Calvin. One of these lectures will probably discuss Calvin’s doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture. The place where these lectures will be given has not yet been determined and will be announced later.
Professor Murray’s writings and lectures are noted for their thoroughness and clarity. We believe they will also be very timely. We dare promise that our intelligent unschooled laymen, who are interested in Bible teaching, as well as theologians and schooled laymen will be able to follow and enjoy these lectures.
The sponsors of the Murray lectures are particularly happy to call attention to this event because 1959 is the 450th anniversary of John Calvin’s birth and the 400th anniversary of Calvin’s final edition of his great work: “The Institutes of the Christian Religion.” Professor Murray’s lectures should be a notable feature of the world-wide Calvin celebration in 1959.