Dear Editors:

In May-June issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET, Edwin H. Palmer writes in favor of the organization called Citizens for Educational Freedom. He states that, at present, the Christian Reformed Church is undergoing a marked change in its thinking, but fails to mention two other national organizations working especially among college students to combat this movement. They are Young Americans for Freedom and Intercollegiate Society of Individualists. A Christian Reformed man and Calvin graduate is organizer for ISI.

One wonders if this movement of the CEF is not the result of the growth of religious secularism in the Christian Reformed Church. The CEF claims that, since education is compulsory, it has a right to tax dollars.

Haven’t Christian schools been established by Christian parents to help them fulfill their covenant responsibilities voluntarily?

The CEF seems to have forgotten God’s commandment for us to the underprivileged, “Bear ye one another’s burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ” (Gal. 6:2). I’m quite sure this means our tithes, not taxes. For in II Timothy 5:8 we read: “But if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his household he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.”

The CEF claims federal aid will not bring controls. Federal aid without controls would be an irresponsible government. The real danger is that federal aid controls the individual, it induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber.

Another argument is that federal aid is inevitable because society is becoming so complex, because people are migrating now more than ever before. Local districts cannot meet the standards of good education. To the unthinking, this argument may have some appeal. However, the truth is that most people migrate to improve their standards of living. Migration should be applauded. If districts have no desire for good education, the answer is not to pour money into them.

It is estimated that Michigan pays $1.36 for every $1 it receives in aid, so the more we ask government to solve our problems, the more income we lose, the more government grows, the more taxes climb, and the less freedom of choice remains for us in personal and community affairs.

Since some forty Calvin professors have joined this movement (CEF), may I suggest that they study the Netherlands’ economic conditions and learn how it has been stimulated by some American dollars, technical assistance, engineering, designing, etc. Have these professors ever wondered why this country produces one half of the world’s industrial output with only six or seven percent of its people?

Adrian Blauwkamp