Prominent GKN Minister Regrets Synodical Action

GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. (June 17, 1996) URNS — “It’s a pity” said Dr. Klaas Runia, retired rector of the theological seminary of the Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland (GKN) at the Dutch city of Kampen, regarding the decision of the CRC synod to intensify restrictions on fraternal relations with his denomination. Although a large GKN delegation had been in Grand Rapids for the Reformed Ecumenical Council until Monday morning, Runia was the only GKN leader able to stay until completion of the synodical debate on the GKN and was not an official fraternal delegate to the synod. According to Runia, the CRC has a wrong idea about ecumenical relations between independent denominations. “Churches should accept each other inclusive of the differences,” said Runia. “Of course you can then critisize each other, but you should not try to make the other church a copy of your own church.” Runia also spoke about the decision of the General Assembly of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church to suspend fraternal relations with the CRC. “The CRC doesn’t like that, of course, but to the GKN they do it the same way,” said Runia. “Eventually it will not be fruitful, because you are growing out of each other.” “I am convinced that the CRC eventually will have to deal with the same questions as the GKN,” said Runia. “That’s so with women in office, but you hear already the first signs of people who have questions about the Scriptures. And questions about homosexuality are coming.” Roel Sikkema 1996 Nederlands Daglad Distributed by United Reformed News Service