Outreach Donor Investments Influence Many Lives

The picture above shows the pastors of the RPCCEE (Reformed Presbyterian Church of Central and Eastern Europe) assembled together for a week of prayer, teaching, and fellowship during which they received books donated by Reformed Fellowship, Inc. Pastor Peter Szabo (pictured second row, third from left) offers this introduction to the RPCCEE
The RPCCEE was founded in 1998 when sixteen young men started to plant faithful biblical Reformed congregations in fifteen places throughout Hungary, Romania, and Ukraine. During the 2000s the work progressed slowly in the midst of spiritual darkness and heavy disinterest of the people. By the grace of God, our men persevered and we rejoice that in recent years the work has started to speed up. Though half of our congregations have severe financial difficulties, beginning with 2013 we were able to start the first steps toward self-governance and self-support. Right now we are doing church planting work in more than 20 places and we have 16 men working full-time in this ministry.
Besides the church planting efforts, we continue to have our own theological training program at the KGITM for those who are called to ministry. We also have a small publishing house called “Presbiterianus Kiado,” where currently we are working on the translation of R. C. Sproul’s The Holiness of God. (For the already published titles see www.reformatus. net/en/publications). Moreover, we organize church-wide conferences and great variety of summer camps (evangelistic, youth, family, English-teaching etc.) Over the years we have been blessed to host such speakers as Jay E. Adams, Dr. Jack Whytock, Maurice Roberts or Pastor William Boekestein.
You can find more information about this work on the Internet (www.reformatus.net/en) or through Peter Andras Szabo, Pastor of the RPCCEE Church in Budapest (peter.a.szabo@gmail.com).
Rev. William Boekestein s the pastor of Immanuel Fellowship Church in Kalamazoo, MI.