Our Question Box

Harlan G. Vanden Einde is pastor of the Oakdale Park Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

From a Michigan reader comes a question relative to witnessing. Since the consistory has the “responsibility to exercise the keys of the Kingdom,” the inquirer writes, “can an individual or group go door to door in neighborhood evangelism preaching Christ?” Or is it the individual’s “sole responsibility to bring people (invite) to church where they may hear the Word of God?”

There is no doubt about the fact that the church is called to do the word of evangelism, or bring the good news of the gospel to people. On the basis of biblical givens, we have written into the Church Order of the Christian Reformed Church these articles: Article 73a, which says, “In obedience to Christ’s great commission, the churches must bring the Gospel to all men at home and abroad, in order to lead them into fellowship with Christ and His Church.” Article 73b says, “In fulfilling this mandate, each consistory shall stimulate the members of the congregation to be witnesses for Christ in word and deed, and to support the work of home and foreign missions by their interest, prayers, and gifts.” And then Article 74a says, “Each church shall bring the Gospel to unbelievers in its own community, This task shall be sponsored and governed by the consistory.”

I have quoted these articles of the Church Order in an attempt to show the position of the denomination on the matter of evangelism. It is clear that every effort or method used must be governed by or be under the supervision of the consistory. We do not go out with “our own” message, or even as “individuals with a message.” We are to be “witnesses for Christ in word and deed.” We go with His message, in His Name, and as members of His church. But that does not mean we cannot go door-to-door with the message. In fact, I believe we must do that, or many people will never hear the gospel. Its good to “invite” people to church to hear it, of course, but there are many who will never respond to that invitation. If we are to be “witnesses for Christ in word and deed” as Article 73b reminds consistories to stimulate us to be, then it seems to me that that means more than extending them an invitation to attend a church service.

If you don’t mind a personal reference, we do have such a neighborhood witnessing program in our congregation. The consistory has approved of the program and encourages participation on the part of our members. We go out into the community in teams, and as opportunities arise, we present the gospel. We go in the name of the church and her King, Jesus Christ, knowing we cannot convert people no matter how good our method, but believing there is power in the Word of God. God‘s elect are “out there,” and though we don‘t know who they are, we believe that God will use us as instruments to reach them.

In Acts 8:4 we read: “they therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the word.” So were those “scattered abroad” as a result of the persecution of the church in Jerusalem? When we go back to verse 1, we find the answer: “And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church which was in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.” The apostles were not “scattered abroad,” but the members of the church were; and they were the ones who “went about preaching the word.” The phrase “preaching the word” is a translation of a Greek word which means literally, to “bring or announce good news.” The apostles surely did their share of this too, but the point is, after being “scattered abroad” to the regions around Jerusalem, the members of the church also brought the good news to others.

Let the consistories of our churches, then, “stimulate the members of the congregation to be witnesses for Christ in word and deed,” as the Church Order urges them to do. We have a tremendous message to share, and we serve a God who is powerful enough to take away the most stony heart and replace it with a heart of flesh (Ezek. 11:19). And if He is for us, who or what can be against us?