Meet the Shepherds

Their huddled forms loomed dark against the blazing fire, A barrier built against the piercing cold— Columns of smoke rose steadily into the clear, brisk air, Then spiraled into fading mist upon a rising stair. The shepherds spoke in muffled tones as though the hills could hear, And heaven’s canopy, star-strewn, seemed very near. But when their heavy eyes, acquainted with the night, Met with a shining form, they trembled sore with fright Twas like a sudden dream—the herald, then the song; Would that yon rocky hills that glorious music could prolong— With faint hearts, touched by heaven, they left Judea’s hills And found the holy Babe—God’s promise fulfilled. They worshipped wonderingly, their eyes held holy awe, That caught the heavenly rapture, transformed by what they saw!