In Lord’s Days 13 and 14 of the Heidelberg Catechism we confess several great mysteries. First, there is the mystery of Jesus Christ’s unique relationship with the Father. He is not merely a child of God by adoption like we are, but the eternal and natural Son. His divine origin transcends our human understanding. Yet, in His grace, He invites us into His family. We, who were once estranged, find our place as beloved children through Christ’s sacrifice. What a marvelous divine exchange: His sonship for our adoption. Let that comfort you. Often we feel alone and lonely. You are never alone, for the heavenly Father is your Father, and His eternal Son is your brother.
But not only is Christ our elder brother. He is also our Lord. He ransomed us with the most precious thing in the universe: His precious blood, more precious than silver or gold. All of the blood that was shed in the time of the old covenant pointed forward to Jesus’ blood shed on the cross. As John the Baptist said when he saw Christ come onto the scene at the beginning of His public ministry: “Behold, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29, English Standard Version).
We also confess the incarnation, the profound mystery of God becoming flesh. The Holy Spirit’s creative power overshadowed Mary, and the eternal Word became incarnate. In Jesus, divinity and humanity converged. He shared our frailty, our joys, and our sorrows. Yet, unlike us, He remained sinless. As we contemplate this union of God and man, let us worship the triune God who orchestrated our redemption through the Son’s humble birth.
May these reflections, and this song, deepen our awe and gratitude for the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in our salvation.
Rev. George van Popta is minister-emeritus of Jubilee Canadian Reformed Church of Ottawa. He and his wife, Dora, live in Hamilton, ON.