Letter to the Editor June 1994

Dr. Venema’s article, “But she shall be saved through child-bearing” in the April issue of The Outlook was excellent, instructive and timely. It certainly addressed a problem which exists in the life of today’s women.

While the feminist scoffs at and ridicules the place that Scripture gives to the task of motherhood and the nurture of children, Dr. Venema’s article helps to underscore the Scriptural position of motherhood. How kind and gracious our Lord has been to give this privilege to women.

Of particular interest to me in this article was the explanation of how the word “but” in I Timothy 2:15 relates to the preceding passage.

I sincerely hope that Dr. Venema will continue his good work in The Outlook, and also that the Lord will bless His work at Mid-America Seminary. – Tillie Cammenga (Wife of the late Rev. Andrew Cammenga Sr.) Grand Rapids, MI