Lessons from Haggai (#10): Haggai 2:21–22

“…I will shake the heavens and tile earth. I will overturn royal thrones and shatter the power of the foreign kingdoms. I will overthrow chariots and their drivers; horses and their riders will fall…” Haggai 2:21–22

Awful, fearful things are going on in the world today. It is enough to make us tremble. We often find ourselves wondering, “What will the next catastrophe be?” Nations are at war; there is a lack of firm leadership; selfishness runs rampant everywhere. Sometimes we even wonder, “Is God there? Does He care?”

How comforting are these words of God to Haggai. He assures us that He does care, and He is sovereignly in control of every detail. It is God who “shakes” the nations and overturns rulers. Nations rise and fall; powers shift; political leaders rule and are deposed. This has been true from the beginning of time and will continue until Jesus comes again. when God will break every power and His rule will be universally recognized. His kingdom will be firmly established and it will not be shaken – ever (Heb. 12:26–28).



Jesus told us not to be alarmed when “nation will rise against nation,” for this is a sign of the end time (Matt. 24:6–8). We need not fear because, throughout the “shaking of the nations,” God’s kingdom will remain unmovable.

In this last message in Haggai, given to the ruler, Zerubbabel. God is telling him not to fear. Though there will be political upheaval all around, God is in control. Nations may be very powerful, but God is more powerful still. He is at work, fulfilling His purposes. He determines what nation shall be in power and which ruler shall be ruling. He makes it all happen according to His eternal decree.

We need not fear the dreadful things going on around us. If the Lord is the strength of our lives, we are secure even in the midst of destroying armies. We are guarded by the eternal purposes of God. God is still on the throne; the sovereign Lord of the universe is in control.

Elaine Monsma