To find any item in this index note the numbers following the item, such as 6:2. Thismeans that you will find what you are looking for in the June issue (6) on page 2.

In the index of book reviews the name in the parenthesis identifies the reviewer.


BAKER, HENRY Alarming tren5:13, 6:22

BELZ, JOEL Faith under pressure: the Christian church in China toda2:6

BLANKESPOOR, JOHN And Adam called her Eve  12:15 Cloud that led them  1:2 David and Goliath  11:21 Dream of Pilate’s wif4:7 Elected unto holiness  2:5 Enjoying the blessed knowledge of the risen Christ  5:15 Grieve not the Spirit  6:15 Knowing Christ’s power in us  3:13 Lord, the strength of fainting Christians  9:13 Remembering your leaders  10:20 Searched and known by our wonderful Lord  7:15

BOCKMUHL, KLAUS Christianity has a moral backbone  1:10

BRINKS, MARIE O wondrous deed (poem)  12:12 Staff of life (poem11:7

BYKER, JOHN J. Predicament of a conservativ6:16

CHAO, JONATHAN Faith under pressure: the Christian church in China today  2:6

DEJONG, PETER About honesty  8:19 Activities in Canada  7:22 Are Christian schools teaching the Bible?  3:18 Charity promoted by heresy  11:12 Child’s name was God  12:2 Confessing an inerrantible  9:19 Faithful church must disciplin10:10 God’s men and doctrines: Athanasius and the deity of Christ  1:6 (correction noted, 2:5) Marxist influences in education  7:10 Philosophy and scripture  1:16 Secession: sin or Christian duty?  5:21 Should our Christian schools be broadly Christian, instead of Reformed?  3:9 Upset priorities  10:4 Verhey case – why press it4:13 Vos legacy  12:13 What’s coming up at the CRC synod?  5:2 (correction noted, 6:5) Where is Berkouwer leading?  2:9

DE KOEKKOEK , PAUL Response to Gospel preaching  7:13

DRAGT , RHETA True Friendship (Reformed Women Speak)  3:8

GUNNINK, FRED Christian education  6:12

INGENERI, PAUL Husband and wife: the sexes in Scripture and society . . . a critique  11:17 Layman looks at inerrancy  4:2

JACKSON, JOHN R. Two views of revelation  11:2 Would you call this Presbyterian5:14

JANSEN, ANNETTA His way is best (poem)  4:17 How many tim es? (poem)  9:15 Lord, lead the way (poem)  5:7 Mother’s day thought (poem)  5:21 Passing through (poem)  6:14 Remorse (poem )   1:8 Snowbound (poem)  3:24 Someone (poem)  1:11 Tithing (poem)  9:13 Use me, Lord (poem)  6:14 What is your talent? (Reformed Women Speak)  9:15

JEN, ISAAC Visit to China  10:2

JONES, NORMAN On capital punishment  9:12

JULIEN, JEROME M. Doctrineof ChristChristour chief prophet  11:20 Christ-our only high priest  12:7 How God became man  9:11 Introduction  4:16 Names of our mediator  5:16 Offices of Christ  10:19 Our unique mediator  6:19; 7:14; 8:20 Groundless decision  1:4

KLOOSTERMAN, NELSON D. Creed in crisis  2:2

KOOIENGA , WILLIAM H. Kant, Jastrow , and the theologians  5:11

KRUIS, JOHN G. Nouthetic counseling  9:2; 10:8; 11:5

LIEVAART, G . Lord, give us good preachers!  6:20

MAC LEOD, DONALD Evangelicals and inerrancy  5:18 In whose hand3:2

MADANY, BASSAM What do you say to 120 million Muslims?  7:2

MADANY, SHIRLEY Private interpretation and continuing revelation (Reformed Women Speak)  1:9

MENNEGA , AALDERT Chapter news  11:5

MEYER, ALBERT Mother‘s day  5:8

MURRAY , IAIN John Knoxs principles of reform  9:5

PALMER, EDWIN H. Believe it or not: the decree of reprobation is not horribl10:6 Harry Boer the heretic  4:6

PIERSMA, JOHN CRC synod ’79-report and impressions  8:2 Drugs and our kids  7:20 Unpardonable si7:5 Voice out of the audience    6:5 Wedding Feast at Cana: marriage and “Christ’s Hour”!  4:9

PRAAMSMA, LOUIS Rationalism – on which side (I), the attack on Scripture  12:5 Should we have female office-bearers?  2:16

STAPERT, CALVIN Christian rock music  12:19

TANGELDER, JOHAN D. What we believe  4:22

TAYLOR, E. L. HEBDEN Detente: a soviet device for world domination  9:18

TEBBEN, MR. AND MRS. KASJEN 53rd conference on Reformed evangelism  6:13

TEITSMA, BETTY Christian hospitality (Reformed Women Speak2:11

TRENEV, STEFAN Should we make pictures of Jesus Christ?  7:8 (reply, 12:21)

TUININGA , CECIL W. Is it right to sin3:10

TUININGA, JELLE Propaganda prayer  8:2 Women officersdespite the Bibl5:18

VANDEN EINDE, HARLAN G. Congregational meetings on Sunday?  6:11 Evolution-fact or theor11:24 Homosexual, the  5:9 On marriage and divorce  9:6 Our question box  1:19; 3:21; 4:15; 5:9; 6:11 ; 7:17 Should we baptize infants?  4:15 Was Christ violent?   11:23 What is Christ’s kingdom?  7:17

VANDEN HEUVEL, LAURIE Family planning (Reformed Women Speak)  10:22; 11:4; 12:17 Final exam (Reformed Women Speak)  7:18 Rootless souls (Reformed Women Speak)  6:9

VANDER KAM, HENRY Lessons from I Peter  1:12; 2: 12; 3:14 Lessons fro m Genesis 1–11  8:15; 9:7; 10:13; 11:13; 12:9

VANDER PLOEG, JOHN About reprobation and Boers gravamen  3:5 As to being Reformedwhat’s it all about?  10:16 CRC synod of 79another “Battle for the Bible”  6:2 International year of the child: Christian compassion  11:8

VANPUTTEN, GERTRUDE Are you on a diet? (Reformed Women Speak)  4:8

WAGNER, ROGER Homosexual sues churc10:7

WALBURG, SIMON C. Broken things (poem)  1:12

WEEKS, NOEL Reformed or Presbyterian?  7:18; 8:22; 9:16; 11:10; 12:18


About honesty, P. DeJong  8:19 About reprobation and Boer‘s gravamen, J . Vander Ploeg  3:5 Activities in Canada, P. De Jong  7:22 Alarming trend , H. Baker  5:13; 6:22 And Adam called her Eve, J . Blankespoor  12:15 Are Christian schools teaching the Bible? P. De Jong  3:18 (reply, 6:6) Are you on a diet? (Reformed Women Speak), G . Van Putten  4:8 As to being Reformed – what’s it all about? J . Vander Ploeg  10:16 Believe it or not: the decree of reprobation is not horrible, E . H. Palmer  10:6 Broken things (poem) , S. C. Walburg  1:22 CRC synod of 79another “Battle for the Bible,” J. Vander Ploeg  6:2 CRC synod ’79report and impressions, J . Piersma  8:2 Chapter news, A. Mennega  11:5 Charity promoted by heresy, P. De Jong  11:12 Child’s name was God, P. De Jong  12:2 Christour chief prophet, J. Julie11:20 Christ: our only high priest, J. Julie12:7 Christian education, F. Gunnink  6:12 Christian hospitality (Reformed Women Speak), B. Teitsma  2:11 Christian rock music, C . Staper12:19 Christianity has a moral backbone, K. Bochmuhl  1:10 Cloud that led them, J . Blankespoor  1:2 Confessing an inerrant Bible, P. De Jong  9:19 Congregational meetings on Sunday? H. Vanden Einde  6:11 Creed in crisis, N. D. Kloosterman  2:2

David and Goliath, J. Blankespoor  11:21 Decree of reprobation is not horrible, E. H. Palme10:6 Detente: a soviet device for world domination, E. L. H. Taylo9:18 Doctrine of Christ: Christ-our chief prophet, J. M. Julien  11:20 Christ – our only high priest, J. M. Julien  12:7 How God became man , J . M. Julien  9:11 Introduction, J . M. Julien  4:16 Names of our mediator, J. M. Julie5:16 Offices of Christ, J. M. Julien  10:19 Our unique mediator, J. M. Julie6:19; 7:14; 8:20 Dream of Pilate’s wife, J. Blankespoor  4:7 Drugs and our kids, J. Piersma  7:20

Elected unto holiness, J. Blankespoo2:5 Enjoying the blessed knowledge of the risen Christ, J. Blankespoor  5:15 Evangelicals and inerrancy, D . MacLeo5:18 Evolution – fact or theory (Our question box), H. Vanden Einde  11:24

Faith under pressure: the Christian church in C hina today, J. Chao and J . Belz  2:6 Faithful church must discipline, P. De Jong  10:10 Family planning (Reformed Women Speak), L. VandenHeuvel  10:22; 11:4; 12:17 53rd conference on Reformed evangelism, K. Tebben  6:13 Final exam (Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuve7:18

God’s men and doctrines: Athanasius and the deity of Christ , P. DeJon1:6 (correction noted , 2:5) Grieve not the Spirit, J . Blankespoor  6:15 Groundless decision, J. M. Julie1:4

Harry Boer the heretic, E. H. Palmer  4: 6 Help needed now!  9:20 His way is best (poem), A. Jansen  4:17 Homosexual, the, H . G. Vanden Einde  5:9 Homosexual sues the church, R. Wagner  10:7 How God became man, J . M . Julie9:11 How many times? (poem), A. Jansen  9:15 Husband and wife: the sexes in Scripture and society . . . a critique, P. Ingeneri  11:17

In whose hand? D. MacLeod  3:2 International year of the child: Christian compassion, J. Vander Ploeg  11:8 Is it right to sin, C. W. Tuininga  3:10

John Knox’s principles of reform , I. Murray  9:5

Kant , Jastrow, and the theologians , W. H. Kooienga  5:11 Knowing Christ’s power in us, J. Blankespoo3:13

Layman looks at inerrancy, P . Ingeneri  4:2 Lessons from I Peter, H . Vander Kam  1:12; 2:12; 3:14 Lessons from Genesis 1–11, H . Vander Ka8:15; 9:7; 10:13; 11:13; 12:9 Lord, give us good preachers! G. Lievaart  6:20 Lord , lead the way (poem}, A. Jansen  5:7 Lord, the strength of fainting Christians, J . Blankespoor  9:13

Marxist influences in education, P. De Jon 7:10 Mother‘s day, A. Meye5:8 Mother’s day thought (poem), A. Jansen  5:21

Names of our mediator, J. M. Julien  5:16 Nouthetic counseling, J. C. Kruis  9:2; 10:8; 11:5

O wondrous deed (poem}, M. Brinks  12:12 Offices of Christ, J. M. Julien  10:19 On being Reformed , H . Vanden Einde  3:21 On capital punishment, N. Jones  9:12 On marriage and divorce, H . Vanden Einde  9:6 Our question box, H . Vanden Einde  1:19; 3 :21 ; 4: 15; 5:9; 6:11; 7:17; 9:6; 11:23 Our testimony  11:3 Our unique mediator , J. M. Julien   6:19; 7:14; 8:20

Passing through (poem), A. Jansen  6:14 Philosophy and Scriptures, P. De Jong  1:16 Predicament of a conservative, J. Byke6.16 Private interpretation and continuing revelation (Reformed Women Speak), S. W. Madany   1:9 Propaganda prayer, J. Tuininga  8:2

Rationalism – on which side (!), the attack on Scripture, L. Praamsma  12:5 Reformed or Presbyterian? Noel Weeks  7:18; 8:22; 9:17; 11:10; 12:18

Reformed Women Speak Are you on a diet? C . VanPutten  4:8    Christian hospitality, B. Teitsma  2:11 Family planning, L . VandenHeuvel  10:22; 11:4; 12:17 Final exam , L . Vanden Heuvel  7:18 Private meditation and continuing revelation, S.W. Madany, 1:9    Rootless souls, L. VandenHeuvel  6:9 True friendship, R. Dragt  3:8    What is your talent? A. Jansen  9:15 Remembering your leaders, J . Blankespoor  10:20 Remorse (poem), A. Janse1:8 Response to Gospel preaching, P. DeKoekkoek  7:13 Rootless souls, L. Vanden Heuvel  6:9

Searched and known by our wonderful Lord , J . Blankespoor  7:15 Secession: sin or Christian duty? P. De Jong  5:21 Should our Christian schools be broadly Christian, instead of Reformed? P. De Jong  3:9 Should we baptize infants? H . Vanden Einde  4:15 Should we have female office-bearers? L. Praamsma  2:16 Should we make pictures of Jesus Christ? S. Trenev  7:8 (reply, 12:21) Someone (poem), A. Jansen  1:11 Snowbound (poem), A. Jansen  3:24 Staff of life (poem) , M. Brinks  11:7

Tithing (poem), A. Jansen  9:13 True friendship (Reformed Women Speak), R. Drag3:8 Two views of revelation, J . R. Jackson  11:2

Unpardonable sin, J. H . Piersma  7:5 Upset priorities, P. De Jon10:4 Use me, Lord (poem), A. Jansen  6:14

Verhey case – why press it? P. De Jong  4:13 Visit to China, I. Jen  10:2 Voice out of the audience, J. Piersma  6:5 Vos legacy, P. D e Jong  12:13

Was Christ violent? (our question box)  11:23 Wedding feast at Cana: marriage and “Christ’s hour!”  4:9 What do you say to 120 million Muslims? B. Madany  7:2 What is Christ‘s kingdom? H . Vanden Eind7:17 What is your talent? A. Jansen  9:15 What we believe, j . D. Tangelder  4:22 What’s coming up at the CRC synod? P. De Jong  5:2 (correction noted , 6:5) Where is Berkouwer leading? P. De Jong   2:9 Women officersdespite the Bible, J . Tuininga  5:18 Would you call this Presbyterian? J. R. Jackson  5:14


AMUSEMENTSsee CHRISTIAN LIVING or specific subjects


What do you say to 120 million Muslims? B. Madany  7:2


Should we baptize infants? H . G. Vanden Einde  4:15


What we believe , J . D. Tangelder  4:22


Confessing an inerrant Bible, P . De Jon9:19 Evangelicals and inerrancy, D . MacLeod  5:18 Harry Boer the heretic, E . H . Palmer  4:6 Layman looks at inerrancy, P. Ingeneri  4:2 Philosophy and Scripture, P. De Jong  1:16 Private interpretation and continuing revelation (Reformed Women Speak), S. W. Madany  1:9 Rationalism – on which side (I) , the attack on Scripture, L . Praamsma  12:5 Verhey case why press it? P . De Jong  4:13


On capital punishment, N. Jone  9:12


Are Christian schools teaching the Bible? P. De Jong  3:18 (reply, 6:6) Christian education, F . Gunnink  6:12 Marxist influences in education, P . De Jon7:10 Should our Christian schools be broadly Christian. instead of Reformed? P. De Jon3:9


Drugs and our kids, J. H . Piersma  7:20 Family planning (.Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuvel  10:22; 11 :4; 12:17 International year of the child: Christian compassion, J . Vander Ploeg  11:8 Rootless souls (Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuvel  6:9


Are you on a diet? C. VanPutten  4:8 Christian and amusements, H. C. Vanden Einde  1:19 Christian hospitality, B. Tietsma  2:11 Christian rock music, C. Stapert  12:19 Christianity has a moral backbone, K. Bockmuhl  1:10 Final exam , L . Vanden Heuvel  7:18 Help needed now!  9:20 Homosexual, the, H . C . Vanden Einde  5:9 Is it right to sin? C. W. Tuining3:10 Mother‘s day, A Meyer  5:8 True friendship, R. Dragt  3:8 Upset priorities, P. De Jong  10:4 What is your talent? A. Jansen  9:15


About honesty, P. DeJong  8:19 About reprobation and Boer’s gravamen, J . Vander Ploeg  3:5 Alarming trend, II . Baker  5:13; 6:22 Charity promoted by heresy , P. De Jon11:12 Creed in crisis, N.D. Kloosterman  2:2 Faithful church must discipline, P. De Jon10:10 Harry Boer the heretic, E . H. Palme4:6 Our testimon1:20; 11:3 Predicament of a conservative, J. J. Byke6:16 Verhey case – why press it? P. De Jong  4:13 Would you call this presbyterian? J. R. Jackson  5:14


CRC synod of 79 – another “Battle for the Bible,” J. Vander Ploeg  6:2 CRC synod ’79 – report and impressions, J. H. Piersma  8:2 Propaganda prayer, J . Tuininga  8:2 What‘s coming up at the CRC synod? P. De Jong  5:2 (correction noted, 6:5)


John Knox‘s principles of reform, l. Murray  9:5


Faith under pressure: the Christian church in China today, J. Chao and J. Belz  2:6 Visit to China, I . Je10:2


Whereis Berkouwer leading? P. De Jong  2:9


Congregational meetings on Sunday? (Our Question Box) H . G. Vanden Einde  6:11 Would you call this presbyterian? J . R. Jackson  5:14


Reformed or Presbyterian? N. Weeks  7:18; 8:22:9: 16; 11:10; 12:18


Detente: a soviet device for world domination, E. L. H. Taylor  9:18 Marxist influences in education, P. De Jong  7:20 Voice out of the audience, J . H. Piersma  6:5


Creed in crisis, N.D. Kloosterman  2:2 What we believe, J . D . Tangelder  4:22


Nouthetic counseling, J . G . Kruis  9:2; 10:8; 11:5


Faithful church must discipline, P. De Jong  10:10


On marriage and divorce, H . Vanden Einde  9:6


53rd conference on Reformed evangelism, Mr. and Mrs. K. Tebben  6:13 What do you say to 120 million Muslims? B. Madany  7:2


Evolution-factor theory, H. VandenEinde  11:24


About honesty, P. DeJong  8:18


Lessons from Genesis 1–11 , H . Vander Kam  8:15; 9:7: 10:13; 11:13; 12:9


In whose hand? D . MacLeod  3:2


Grieve not the Spirit, J. Blankespoor  6:15


Homosexual, the (Our Question Box) , H . G. Vanden Einde   5:9 Homosexual sues church, R. Wagner  10:7


What do you say to 120 million Muslims? B. Madany  7:2


Child’s name was God, P. DeJong  12:2 Doctrine of Christ, J. M. Julien Christ– our chief prophet  11:20 Christ– our only high priest  12:7 How God became man  9:11 Introduction  4:16 Names of our mediator  .5:16 Offices of Christ  10:19 Our unique Mediato6:19; 7:14; 8:20 God’s men and doctrines: Athanasius and the deity of Christ, P . De Jong  1:6 (co rrection noted, 2:5) Should we make pictures of Jesus Christ? S. Trenev  7:8 Was Christ violent? H. Vanden Einde  11:23


Enjoying the blessed knowledge of the risen Christ, J . Blankespoor  5:15


Final exam, L. Vanden Heuvel  7:18


Child‘s name was God, P. De Jon12:2 What is Christ’s kingdom? H. Vanden Eind7:17


John Knoxs principles of reform, I. Murra9:5


Husband and wife: the sexes in Scripture and society – a critique, P. Ingeneri  11:16 On marriage and divorce, H. Vanden Eind9:6 Wedding feast at Cana: marriage and “Christ’s Hour!” J. H. Piersma  4:9


And Adam called her Eve (Gen. 3:20), J. Blankespoor  12:15 Cloud that led them (Ex. 13:21 , 22), J. Blankespoor  1:2 David and Goliath (I Sam . 17:48, 49), J. Blankespoor  11:21 Dreams of Pilate‘s wife (Matt. 27: 19), J. Blankespoor  4:7 Elected unto holiness (Eph. 1:4), J . Blankespoor  2:5 Enjoying the blessed knowledge of the risen Christ (Lk. 24:5, 6a), J . Blankespoor  5:15 Grieve not the Spirit (Eph. 4:30), J. Blankespoor  6:15 Knowing Christ’s power in us (Eph. 1:19, 20), J. Blankespoor  3:13 Lord, the strength of fainting Christians (Is. 40:29–31), J. Blankespoor   9:13 Mothers day (Prov. 15:20b), A. Meye5:8 Remembering your leader (Heb. 13:7), J . Blankespoor  10:20 Searched and known by our wonderful Lord (Ps. 139:1, 23, 24), J. Blankespoor  7:15


What do you say to 120 million Muslims? B. Madan7:2


Mother’s day, A. Meyer  5:8 Moth er’s day thought (poem), A. Jansen  5:21


Christian rock music, C. Stapert  12:19


Broken things , S.C. Walburg  1:12 His way is best, A. Janse 4:17 How many times? A. Jansen  9:15 Lord, lead the way, A. Jansen  5:7 Mother‘s day thought. A. Jansen  5:21 O wondrous deed, M . Brinks  12:12 Passing through , A. Janse6:14 Remorse, A. Jansen  1:8


Propaganda prayer , J. Tuininga  8:2


Lord, give us good preachers! C. Lievaart  6:20 Response to Gospel preaching, P. DeKoekkoe7:13


John Knox‘s principles of reform, I. Murray  9:5


As to being Reformed-what’s it all about? J. Vander Ploeg  10:16 Doctrine of Christ, J. M. Julien Christ – our chief prophet  11:20 Christ – our only high priest  12:7 How God became ma9:11 Introduction  4:16 Names of our mediator  5:16 Offices of Christ   10:19 Our unique mediator  6:19; 7:14; 8:20 In whose hand? D . MacLeod  3:2 O n being Reformed, H. G. Vanden Eind3:21 Reformed or Presbyterian? N. Weeks  7:18; 8:22; 9:16; 11:10; 12:18 Should we baptize infants? H . Vanden Eind4: 15 Vos legacy, P . DeJong  12:13


About reprobation and Boer’s gravamen, J. Vander Ploeg  3:5 Believe it or not: the decree of reprobation is not horrible, E. H . Palme10:6 Creed in crisis, N. D. Kloosterman  2:2


Private interpretation and continuing revelation, S. W. Madany  1:9 Two views of revelation, J . R. Jackson  11:2


Secession: sin or Christian duty? P. De Jong  5:21


Unpardonable sin, J. H. Piersma  7:5


Lessons from I Peter, H . Vander Kam  1:12; 2:12; 3:14 Lessons from Genesis 1–11, H. Vander Kam  8:15; 9:7; 10: 13; 11:13; 12:9


Vos legacy, P. DeJong  12:13


Groundless decision, J. M. Julien  1:4 Should we have female office-bearers, L . Praamsma  2:16 Women officers – despite the Bible, J. Tuininga  5:18


Are you on a diet? (Reformed Women Speak), G . Van Putten  4:8 Christian hospitality (Reformed Women Speak), B. Teitsma  2:11 Family planning (Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuvel  10:22; 11:4; 12:17 Final exam (Reformed Women Speak), L . Vanden Heuve7:18 Rootless souls (Reformed Women Speak), L. Vanden Heuve6:9 True friendship (Reformed Women Speak), B. Dragt  3:8 What is your talent? (Reformed Women Speak), A. Jansen  9:15


Drugs and our kids, J. H. Piersma   7:20


Adams, James E., Preus of Missouri and the great Lutheran civil war (J. Vander Ploeg)  1:23

Adams, Jay E., What about nouthetic counseling (J.G. Kruis)   7:24

Alexander, J. W., Thoughts on preaching (E. H. Oostendorp)  3:24

Alleine, Joseph, Alarm to the unconverted  12:23

Balsiger, Dave, It’s good to know (F. De Jong)  1:23

Barker, William P., Who‘s who in church history (J. Vander Ploeg)  2:24

Berkouwcr, C. C., Half century of theology (P. De Jong)  1:9

Bloesch , Donald C., Evangelical renaissance (R. O. De Groot7:23

Bogue, Carl, Hole in the dike? critical aspects of Berkouwer’s theology (P. De Jong)   1:9

Bolton, Samuel, True bounds of Christian freedom (H . Erffmeyer)  12:24

Bratt, John H., Final curtain (M. H. Faber)   9:23

Bratt, John H. (ed.), Heritage of John Calvin  (J . M. Julien)  7:23

Bryant, Lee, Magic bottle (H . Tangelder)  9:23

Buis, Harry, Book of Revelation (S. Voortman)  2:24

Calvin, John, Golden book of the Christian life (C. Vanden Heuvel)  7:24

Clowney. Edmund P., Called to the ministry (J.M. Julien)  3:23

Conn, Harvie M., Contemporary world theology, a layman‘s guidebook (J. Ceels)  2:22

Conn, Harvie M. , Theological perspectives on church growth (J.G. Van Ryn)  5 :24; 7:23

Goppes, Leonard J., Who will lead us, a study of the development of Biblical offices with emphasis on the diaconate (H. G. Arnold)  9:22

De Graaf, S. C., Promise and deliverance: Vol. II , the failure of Israel’s theocracy (H. Vanden Heuvel)  4:20

DeRidder, Richard R., Disciplining the nations (T. Monsma)  3:22

Dowley, Tim, (ed.), Eerdman‘s handbook to the history of Christianity (J . M. Julien)  4:21

Edwards , Jonathan, Life of Reverend David Brainerd, chiefly extracted from his diary (J. M. Julien)  11:23

Fennema, Jack, Nurturing children in the Lord  10:23

Fergusson, James, Epistles of Paul to the Galatians, Ephesians,

Philippians, Colossians and Thessalonians, and David Dickson, Epistle to the Hebrews (J. M. Julien4:20

Fisher, Cary and Mc Grath, Robert L ., Abusers (B. Bratt)  3:23

Flavel, John, Christ knocking at the door of sinners’ hearts (J. M. Julien)  11:23

Freeman, David Hugh, Know yourself (J. J. Byker10:24

Girod, Gordon, Deeper faith (H. Petersen)  10:24

Cish, Duane T. and Rohrer, Donald H., Up with creation! (H. Petersen)  10:24

Codet, Frederic Louis, Commentary on First Corinthians (J. M . Julien)  4:21

Codet, Frederic Louis, Commentary on Romans (H . VandenHeuvel)  1:22

Creer, Virginia , Glory woods (D. Korfker5:24; 6:24

Croenewald, H. J., Multiculturalism – can Trudeau‘s liberalism tolerate it? (C. W. Tuininga)  12:23

Handy, Robert T., History of the churches in the United States and Canada 0. M. Julien1:23

Hendriksen, William, Gospel of Luke (J. Vander Ploeg)  2:21

Hindson , Edward E., Isaiah’s Immanuel (E. Oostendorp)  9:23

Hoeksema, Gertrude, Suffer little children (J. M. Julien)  3:23

Hoekema, Anthony, Bible and the future (H . Boekhoven)  12:23

Holladay, William L., Isaiah, a scroll of a prophetic heritage (E. Oostendorp)  9:23

Hustad, Donald P., Dictionary – handbook to hymns for the living church (J . Vander Ploeg)  1:23

Jastrow, Robert, God and the astronomers (W. H. Kooienga)  5:11

Jastrow , Hobert, Until the sun dies (W. H . Kooienga)  5:11

Jay, William, Autobiography (J. Kruis)  1:23

Kennedy, D. James, Truths that transform (J. Zandstra4:20

Kinghorn, Kenneth Cain, Fresh wind of the spirit (W. R. Witte)  1:24

Kirk, Jerry H., Homosexual crisis in the mainline church (J. C. Kruis)  7:24

MCrie, Thomas, Life of John Knox (J. M . Julien11:23

Meeter, Merle, Country of the risen king (A. De Jong)  2:23

Meyer, F. B., Studies in Exodus (J . Vander Ploeg)  7:23

Moore, Opal, Why Johnny can’t learn (J. W. Borst)  2:24

Morris, Henry M., Education for the real world (J. M. Julien11:23

Morris, Henry M., Sampling the Psalms (H. Hollander)  12:23

Morris, Henry M., Scientific creationism (C. Van Schouwen)  5:23

Moule, H. C. C. , Person and work of the Holy Spirit (H . VandenHeuvel3:22

Moule, H. C. C. , Studies in Romans, Ephesians and Philippians (H . Vanden Heuvel4:21

Mulholland , Kenneth B. , Adventures in training the ministry: a Honduran case study in theological education by extension (H. S. Greenway)  1:22

Nielsen, Niels C., Jr., Religion of President Carter (J. Vander Ploeg)  2:22

Nygren, Anders, Essence of Christianity (F. Van Houten)   12:24

Ogilvie, Lloyd John, Youve got charisma (H . Petersen)  6:24

Pittenger, Norman, Life as eucharist (F. VanHouten)  12:24

Ray, Bruce A. , Withhold not correction (H. A. Cuichelaar)  12:24

Sibbes, Richard , Expositions of St. Paul (R. O. De Groot)  3:23

Simonson, Harold P., Jonathan Edwards: theologian of the heart (C. Greenfield6:24

Sprague, W. B., Lectures on revivals (H. Petersen)  12:23

Spykman, Cordon, Pioneer preacher(). Hasper)  4:21

Swete, Henry Barclay, Commentary on Mark (H . VandenHeuvel)  9:23

Taylor, E. L. Hebden, Economics, money and banking– Christian principles (J. H . Piersma)  2:21

Thielicke, H elmut, Theological ethics – foundations (Vol. 1)  10:24

Thielicke, Helmut, Theological ethics – politics (Vol. 2)  10:24

Thielicke, Helmut, Theological ethics – sex (Vol. 310:24

Timmons, Tim, Chains of the Spirit (H. Erffmeyer)  12:24

Tracy, Joseph, Great awakening: a history of the revival of religion at the time of Edwards and Whitefield (J.M. Julien) 10:24

Vanden Berg, Frank, Abraham Kuyper, a biography (J. M . Julien)  4:19

Vanden Berge, Peter N. , Historical directory of the Reformed Church in America (J. Vander Ploeg)  3:22

Vander Ark , Nelle A. , Devotionals for teachers (J. W . Borst)  1:24

Vander Meyden, Calvin, Parson to person (J. Vander Ploeg)  1:22

Van Dooren, G., Get out! a guideline for Reformed congregational evangelism (J. M. Julien)  4:20

Van Til, Cornelius, New synthesis theology of the Netherlands (P. DeJong)  1:9

Vaughn, C. R., Gifts of the Spirit – to believers and unbelievers (J. M . Julien)  10:24

Vos, Catherine F., Childs story Bible (J. M. Julien)   1:24

Vos, J. C., Baptism: its subjects and modes (J. M . Julien)  4:20

Wells, David F. and Woodbridge, John D., Evangelicals: what they believe? who they are? where are they changing? (F. Gunnink)  3:22

White, William, Jr., Van Til – defender of the faith  10:23

Wilson, Geoffrey B., I and II Thessalonians (J. R. Sittema)  1:22

Wilson, Geoffrey B., Galatians: a digest of Reformed comment, and II Corinthians: a digest of Reformed comment (J. M . Julien)  4:20

Witherow, Thomas, Apostolic church, which is it? (J. M. Julien)  11:23