Herman Kuiper 1889-1963

We mourn the death of Herman Kuiper, Th.D., professor-emeritus of Calvin TheolOgical Seminary and member of Reformed Fellowship, Inc. With his passing the Reformed community in which this paper has a name loses another uncompromising voice. For Herman Kuiper was a Calvinist in his theology, and his theology was more than a mere scientific enterprise. It was his life and his confession, as it must be in order to rise above the dead level of a paralyzing orthodoxism. In this connection those or us who knew him a little were always pleased with the wry sense of humor which peeked around the comer of his rather awesome bearing. He was basically a serious man for whom life and its issues were matters of constant reflection and concern. These issues he evaluated in the light of the Word to which he gave unswerving allegiance as God’s infallible revelation. In fact, like all good Reformed men Herman Kuiper put the Bible in a primary place—in a relatively short, rather popular treatise on the doctrine of salvation by grace he appeals to Scripture no less than 235 times!

We extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Herman Kuiper and the family of the Reverend Professor Herman Kuiper, and pray that they, like him, may find the peace which passes understanding.