Our almighty and merciful covenant God is our beginning and our end. That is true in the broader perspectives of time and eternity. That is also true as we move into the new year 1958.
We, the publishers of Torch and Trumpet. most cordially greet you our readers as this new mile in our pilgrimage is begun. May you all have a truly blessed year. Paul’s earnest exhortation to the Thessalonians is our wish to you, namely, that you “abound more and more.” May there be steady, sure growth in the understanding of and devotion to the blessed faith that has been committed to us.
It is, of course, to this growth in understanding of and devotion to the Reformed faith that our magazine is dedicated. We praise God that we may now be in our seventh year of publication. Several changes have taken place in those seven years, especially in the outward format of the magazine. But we believe there has been no change in the determination to be a clear and vigorous voice for the Reformed faith in our time. That has been and remains the raison d’ etre of our effort. We regard the addition of the Rev. H. J. Kuiper to our staff as Managing Editor as a real gain in furthering our purpose.
Torch and Trumpet is a group effort. Its voice is not that of anyone person but that of a group of persons with a common loyalty to our great spiritual heritage. We would have that loyalty come to even clearer expression in 1958 than it has heretofore. Plans are in the making for a year of publication in which we shall strive to speak plainly on important questions being raised in our time.
Our effort is also that of a group in that it involves you our readers. We earnestly desire that each of our readers become increasingly a lively witness to our great faith. To that end we would ask each of our readers to help spread the influence of our magazine in this coming year. Speak to your friends about the articles. Let’s develop some real enthusiasm for our blessed spiritual heritage. We believe that a faithful reading of Torch and Trumpet will greatly help this growth. Our subscription list is growing steadily. It will grow still more if you as part of our team do your part too.
In all these labors we look to our Lord and Savior for strength. No success is possible without a keen awareness of our dependence on Him who is always our beginning and our end. God prosper us all for His cause in 1958!
Reformed fellowship, Inc.