The theological landscape certainly has changed since Reformed Fellowship began fifty-eight years ago. The most dramatic change is perhaps the way people gather information. Instead of subscribing to The Outlook, many read it on our website:
In fact, our website gets several hundred hits every week. It is interesting to note that those visiting our website come from all over the globe. While our subscriptions are lower than in the eighties, I remain convinced that our readership has increased. The influence of Reformed Fellowship is no longer limited to those who are interested in events in a certain denomination or federation; it has become international in the defense of the Reformed faith. In fact, I often receive requests from foreign countries asking permission to reprint and translate articles. It is exciting, for example, to receive an email informing me that one or more of our articles have been translated into French. They often include the article—in French—in the email. I can’t read a word of it, but I know that the Lord will use it for His glory and His kingdom.
In addition to The Outlook, the Lord has used Reformed Fellowship to produce several books. With a Shepherd’s Heart by Dr. John Sittema has been a best seller for years. Recently we were able to add another book for office-bearers entitled, Called to Serve, edited byRev. Michael Brown. Our Bible Studies are being reprinted in a new format as demand for them has increased. The speed with which two books written by Rev. Daniel Hyde are moving illustrate the hunger for the Reformed faith in areas Reformed Fellowship had never before trod.
The faith of our fathers is moving to a new generation in ways we could not have imagined a decade ago, let alone fifty-eight years ago. And while the theological landscape has changed dramatically in the past fifty-eight years, Reformed Fellow ship remains dedicated to the promotion and defense of the Reformed faith. The Board of Reformed Fellowship asks for your prayers and support as we explore different avenues through which to promote the faith that we treasure.
In His service,
Rev. Wybren H. Oord