Evangelical Theological Society

At the 11th Annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Dr. Allan A. MacRae, president of Faith Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, was elected president of the organization for 1960. Over one hundred writers, professors and other evangelical leaders were in attendance.

The gathering in Wheaton was the tenth anniversary meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, the professional society in the United States and Canada for evangelical scholars. writers, and theologians. Since its founding in Cincinnati in December of 1949, the organization has grown from a membership of 39 to its present strength of over 500 members, associates, and student associates. It publishes the quarterly E.T.S. Bulletin and has produced a series of significant books and monographs. maintaining the full authority of the Bible. The Society editor, Dr. Stephen Barabas. professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. Illinois, announced the publication during the past year and the distribution to all members of the most recent volume of the E.T.S. monograph series, Darius the Mede, by Dr. John C. Whitcomb, professor of Old Testament at Grace Theological Seminary. Winona Lake, Indiana. The book constitutes a serious defense of the historicity of the Biblical book of Daniel.

The two day meeting of the Society, Dec. 29–30, 1959, was devoted primarily to the presentation of scholarly papers. The retiring president, Prof. Gilbert Johnson, spoke at the annual banquet on the theme, “The Outreach of Theological Education:’ He stressed the point that, “The Bible is related to daily living: we must demonstrate as well as describe the truths of theology.” President Johnson’s address was then followed by two illustrated lectures on recent “digs” in Palestinian Biblical archaeology.

Highlighting the Dec. 30th sessions was a panel on the first ten years of the E.T.S., moderated by Dr. Laird Harris, professor of Old Testament at Covenant College and Seminary, St. Louis. Other speakers on the panel were Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, dean of the Graduate School of Theology, Wheaton College; Dr. Kenneth S. Kantzer, chairman of the Division of Biblical Education and Apologetics, Wheaton College; Dr. Alfred A. Cierpke, dean of Tennessee Temple Theological Seminary, Chattanooga, and Dr. J. Barton Payne, professor of Old Testament in the Graduate School or Theology, Wheaton, present secretary. Values of E.T.S. that were stressed by the panel included the Society’s unwavering testimony to the inerrancy and full authority of the original manuscripts of the Bible, its ability to bring together scholars of widely differing theological persuasions for positive academic stimulation and warm Christian fellowship because of a common loyalty to God’s Word, and its helpfulness through the years in encouraging students to commit themselves to serious scholarly study for the advancement of the cause of evangelicalism.

During the course of the two days of meetings scholarly papers were presented on such topics as “Does God Guarantee Protection from Nervous Breakdown?” by Dr. David F. Busby, practicing psychiatrist of Niles, Illinois.

“Recent Trends Concerning the Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles” by Dr. E. Earle Ellis of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky.

“The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit in Contemporary Thought” by Dr. Jerome L. Ficek of Trinity Theological Seminary, Chicago.

“The High-handed Sin,” by Dr. Martin

J. Wyngaardcn of Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.; and ten other subjects.

At the opening session the minutes were presented of the joint meeting in June Ilf 1959 that was conducted by both the Evangelical Theological Society and its corresponding organization of Bible-believing Scientists, the American Scientific Affiliation.

Among the regional officers who were elected are Dr. Cornelius Van Til of Westminster Theological Seminary and Prof. Henry R. Van Til of Calvin College.

The Society is open to all evangelicals who subscribe annually to the doctrinal basis, “The Bible alone, and the Bible in its entirety, is the Word of God written and therefore inerrant in the autographa.” For information and for membership, address the secretary, Dr. J. Barton Payne, Wheaton College Graduate School of Theology, Wheaton, Illinois.

The Midwestern section of the Society will meet on April 1 and 2 at the Calvin Commons, Grand Rapids, Michigan. The central theme will be the inerrancy of Scripture.