From the General Manager Dear Readers: The Lord has continued to bless the work of Reformed Fellowship in 2009. We have published The Outlook for fifty-nine years and counting. In 2009, we also published the book, In Living Color: Images of Christ and the Means of Grace, by Rev. Daniel Hyde. This brings to twenty the total number of books we have in print. We are working on several more titles we hope to introduce in the next year or two.
While much of the impact of our ministry is seen within our confessional Reformed and Presbyterian churches, we are gratified to see responses from areas where there is as yet little knowledge of the doctrines of grace. Our editor often receives requests from those in foreign nations for permission to reprint articles from The Outlook in other languages, which we are always eager to do. Also, since our Bible study guides and other books are available on the Internet via our website and several Christian bookstores, we have seen response from those who are in churches that are not yet familiar with Reformed doctrine coming to a fuller understanding of the gospel. We are deeply humbled by the ways the Lord has used our small organization.
We do, however, face challenges. We have seen a slow decline in the number of subscribers to The Outlook over the past several years that has caused our financial balance to decline. In response, the board has made a decision to change to bimonthly publication of The Outlook, instead of monthly, with more pages per issue, to reduce printing and mailing costs. This will allow us to hold our subscription price steady.
If you remain convinced of the importance of publishing books and journals from a Reformed perspective, and want to be a part of this exciting ministry, we ask for your help. Please take this opportunity to renew your subscription and your membership in Reformed Fellowship, and perhaps even include a gift. If you have acquaintances who might benefit, would you consider giving a gift subscription to The Outlook? If the education committee in your church is not familiar with our publications, would you be willing to act as a liaison to Reformed Fellowship? Perhaps you could recommend some of our publications for your church library, or recommend our books for a Bible study group in your church. Our loyal supporters are in the best position to promote our work.
May we also be so bold as to ask that you consider the work of Reformed Fellowship in your charitable gifts and in your estate planning? Your gifts are tax deductible as allowed by law.
We are grateful for the support you have given in the past, and we pledge to be good stewards of the gifts you entrust to us. By God’s providence, we look forward to continuing to serve Him in the work of publishing. On Behalf of the Board, In Christ’s Service, Henry Gysen President of the Board and General Manager