Blessing in Disguise

The months took their time, as I knew they would;

I never glowed like they told me I should.

Depression, it came and it went as it pleased,

And I still couldn’t bring myself to get on my knees.


Still angry inside, the day finally came;

I bore my child in considerable pain.

The doctor smiled and my heart flipped with joy

When he said, “You were right; you’ve got a boy.”


I held him and everything melted inside.

My arms ached for more; I could not lay him aside.

My love for this child was just so intense,

The feelings gone by didn’t make any sense.


If I’d had a picture of this miracle in life,

I wouldn’t have bothered with the tears and the strife.

I wouldn’t have asked God, “Why do this to me?”

My question would have been, “Do I deserve Thee?”


I Thank you, oh thank you for this wonderful gift!

He’s already given my life a great lift.

What started as a blessing in disguise

Only to show me who truly is wise.


Author unknown