An Important Series of Articles for 1959

We take pleasure in telling our readers about an important series of articles, in connection with the John Calvin anniversary, which will appear in the 1959 issues of TORCH AND TRUMPET. Last year invitations to prospective writers of these articles went out to a number of well known Reformed scholars. The subjects had been selected for the writers and most of the invitations were accepted. The first of these contributions has already been received and is scheduled to appear in our March issue. The list is as follows: Calvin as Man of God and as Christian; by Dr. L. Praamsma of Toronto, Canada. Calvin as Theologian; by Dr. Fred Klooster, professor of Dogmatics at Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan. Calvin as Reformer; by Dr. Paul Woolley of Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Calvin as Controversialist; by Dr. Cornelius Van Til, professor of Apologetics, Westminster Seminary, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Calvin’s Conception of the Church; by R. B. Kuiper, President Emeritus of Calvin Seminary, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Calvin’s Conception of Culture; by Professor Henry R. Van Til of Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Calvin’s Conception of Philosophy; by Dr. Evan Runner, of Calvin College, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Shorter articles on the Status and Prospect of Calvinism in various countries have also been promised by Dr. J. I. Packer of Ireland, Dr. Stanford Reid of Canada, Prof. Johannes G. Vos of Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania, Dr. S. Du Toit of South Africa, and others.

Be sure to look for Dr. Praamsma’s contribution in the next issue of TORCH AND TRUMPET.

The same issue will carry an article by the managing editor on: “Organized Opposition in the Netherlands to the Welfare State.” Here is a significant and growing movement in “the old country” against an ever-expanding control of economic life by the state, to which even the Calvinistic Anti-revolutionary Patty has capitulated. At least, that is the charge of those Calvinists who are publicly identified with the opposition movement led by Dr. Zeegers and other leading men in the Netherlands.