In these cyber-savvy days, many people blog: people from all over the learning spectrum (ministers, laypeople, teachers, students), people from all over the theological spectrum (Baptists, Presbyterians, Catholics, Methodists, but usually not Amish), and people from all over the world.
A blog is a text-based website where the blogger (the person who blogs) posts daily (or weekly or monthly or sporadic) entries of varying length. A blog is kind of like an online journal, except that anyone can read it. This easy-to-use format (plus the fact that most blogging sites are free) has given rise to an uncountable number of blogs online today. Anyone can blog, and most people do. With so many people blogging, it almost goes without saying that a good blog is hard to find.
Of course, there are many, many religious blogs. Many great theologians blog (like John Piper and Tim Keller, for example, whose blogs are very insightful and worthwhile). But one of the greatest theological blogs (that is, the most worthwhile, the one that gives you the most “bang” for the time you spend reading it) is Reformation21 (
Reformation21 is so named because it seeks to bring Reformation truths using a 21st century medium. Reformation21 is a joint blog, put together by the Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, and is contributed to by many solid Christian men. Frequent contributors include Ligon Duncan, Sinclair Ferguson, Carl Trueman, and Phillip Graham Ryken, to name a few (there are actually a large number of outstanding scholars who contribute to this blog). The whole blog is headed and edited by Derek Thomas, who also frequently contributes.
The website includes book and film reviews, theological articles, meditations, and links to many other great web resources. Last year, in honor of John Calvin’s 500th birthday, Reformation21 “blogged through the Institutes,” encouraging its readers to read through Calvin’s Institutes in one year. It included a reading plan and meditations for each section, written by a plethora of greatly respected Reformed scholars. You can still access this marvelous commentary on the Institutes (and many other treasures) in the blog’s archive.
Reformation21 provides a hodgepodge of thoughts from a collection of great thinkers. No matter what your interests, Reformation21 always provides great insights, and is surely a website worth checking out.