53rd Conference on Reformed Evangelism

“Jesus Christ is Lord” based on Philippians 2:9–11, was the theme of the 53rd annual Conference on Reformed Evangelism. The twoday conference was held in the beautiful facilities of the Calvin College Campus of Grand Rapids, Michigan on April3 and 4. About three hundred people registered.

Mr. Ken Navis, president, led in a song service and extended a warm welcome to the conferees. Pastor Willard Willink emphasized the importance of prayer and directed the conferees to small groups to ask the Lord’s blessing on t he conference. Dr. Matthews, professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics at the Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, Rev. John DeVries, pastor of Highland Hills Christian Reformed Church and Dr. Leonard Greenway, director of the Pastoral Counseling Center of the Highland Hills Christian Reformed Church were the speakers.

Dr. Matthews was a man well qualified to speak on Evangelism. He shared with us that he was brought into the church by Evangelism. In his Bible Study he said that the great Biblical principle is that a person is called by the gospel through people. God gave us this· great command. As persons we are God‘s temples, as office bearers, we are God’s prophets, building His Church. He stressed that this is not only the work of the minister but of every individual member. We must begin where we are by giving our testimony, to get them into the word, encourage them, point them to the Savior, be good stewards and be good examples of the grace of God. We are without excuse because God has provided us with the Holy Spirit to guide us.

The “Paradise Building Business” was Rev. John DeVries’s theme at the mass meeting on Tuesday evening. He read Psalm 126 with special focus on verses 5 and 6 where it says that those who sow in tears shall reap in joy. He gave us the following questions and answers: What is the church? The church is a community of love. A new commandment I give you that you love one another. If you love one  another, then everyone will know that you are my disciple. What is a layman? He is not just a recipient but has a full time profession in “The Paradise Building Business” equipped with the Holy Spirit. What is a pastor? He is a coach to prepare God‘s people for service to build up the body of Christ. What  is the structure? To be more effective, the large church should be divided into little churches to give individual members a chance to grow.

On Wednesday evening at the mass meeting, we were again challenged and inspired by one of God‘s servants, Dr. Leonard Greenway. He used as his theme, “The Effectiveness of God’s Word,” based on Isaiah 55:10,11. The Lord gave this word and it will accomplish what it has set out to do. The effectiveness is found in its divine origin and is declared in the divine promise. God knows what is best to save the sinner and the Almighty God is the one that redeems the sinner. This gospel shall be preached to all the world, and then comes the end. The word of God shall be beaten and battered but it shall rise again. We are God’s people and with God’s Word in our hand we shall have the victory.

Thirteen seminars were given twice each day by capable church leaders. They were willing to share with others the problems, methods and frustrations of kingdom work and how to cope with them. Above all they expressed the joy and privilege that we have to work for the Lord in special ways. Each seminar had a question and answer period in which we could learn to make the situations relevant to our own local churches.

Mr. Mel VerWys was our song leader. Our Conference theme song was “He is Lord.” Mr. VerWys also introduced the special music. Their contributions gave a joyful and inspirational note to the meetings.

We are sure that we speak for everyone that attended the conference, that it was good for us to have been there. We are inspired and challenged that there is a task that God has given to each one of us. The Gospel must go forth in all of its fullness.

An invitation extended by a group from the Wisconsin Churches was accepted for next years conference. It will be held at the Green Lake Bible Camp April 2224, 1980.

Kasjen Tebben is lay pastor of the Pinegate Community Reformed Church, Grand Rapids, Michigan.