The Belgic Confession, one of the creeds of the church of which I am a pastor, says that you can identify a true church (a Biblical church as opposed to one contrary to God’s Word and God’s purpose) by looking for certain evidences, certain qualifying marks. All of them boil down of course, to the […]
The sermon occupies a most important place in our worship. The congregation has come to hear the Word of God. This should be borne in mind by both the preacher and the congregation. There is always the danger that we forget this. The preacher can easily forget that he is an ambassador of Christ. The […]
Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith Jehovah of hosts. —Zechariah 13:7a (KJV) In this Lenten season we are called to give particular attention to the passion and death of our Savior. The above text is one of the clearest of those prophetic testimonies which declared to […]