self-control | Article Tags | The Outlook Magazine self-control – The Outlook Magazine

“Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control.” Proverbs 25:28, NIV. Originally this statement from Proverbs was a startling and shocking statement. Today it has lost its effect because cities no longer have walls. But until the 15th & 16th centuries they were common. Walls were necessary for security, […]

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Practical Pieces of Advice Regarding Our Tongues

Practical Pieces of Advice Regarding Our Tongues 1. Acknowledge that you have a tongue that is prone to sin. One of my favorite hymns is “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing,” written by Robert Robinson in 1757 when he was only twenty-two years old. Listen to what he says in the fourth stanza: O to […]

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