In their intriguing new novel, Gideon’s Torch, Charles Colson and Ellen Vaughn relate a conversation between a minister and a fictional attorney general of the United States. The minister is appealing to a fixed standard for Truth in Jesus Christ and His Word. The attorney general is convinced that there is no fixed standard of […]
My mind is transported back to 1966. The theology faculty of the Free University had not yet moved to the “suburbs” of Amsterdam, but was packed into that wonderful complex of old buildings on the Keisersgracht. I took a seat close to the open window looking out on the canal. I had never heard or […]
Last month we presented an introduction to Dr. Bogue’s treatment of the thought of the late Dr. G.C. Berkouwer, long-time professor at the Free University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. We drew parallels between Berkouwer’s thought and its impact on the Dutch-American scene here in the United States. It would be helpful to read or reread […]