Religion and Morals in the News

TELEPHONE SURVEY FINDS 50,000 CHURCHLESS An EP dispatch from Chicago tells that a survey by telephone was made to learn the religious affiliation of 205,000 residents of the suburban areas of that city. 550 people were employed to contact between 85 and 90 percent of the people in the areas surveyed. It was found that […]

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It seems every church has them. They are a small minority; yet, they are there. They have either just freshly entered a congregation or are in the process of making their exit. Indeed, upon careful evaluation, areas containing numerous reformed churches often display a membership rotation that mirrors a revolving door. Usually motivated by some […]

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The Requisite for Membership

Almost all churches are intent on numerical growth. Most ministers in particular are eager to see the membership of their churches increase by leaps and bounds. That attitude is not necessarily wrong. Provided those who are added to the church are saved, additions most certainly are cause for warm gratitude. But not infrequently the desire […]

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