An Important Question Does Romans 7:14–25 describe the experience of a regenerate man who is speaking in this passage? The answer to this question is very important, for it colors one’s views on several key doctrines of the Christian faith. Charles Hodge may say that “there is nothing in the view [namely that Paul is […]
Concerning the modern rejection of Capital Punishment, the writer states: “Not the Word of God, but the word of psychiatrists, anthropologists, statisticians, and sociologists has been followed, and the results speak for themselves.” The writer, Rev. Cornelis Pronk, is pastor of the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan. His article was originally delivered as […]
“Religionless Christianity” was originally delivered as a radio message by Rev. Cornelis Pronk, pastor of the Free Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and radio pastor for the radio ministry of The Free Reformed Church of North America. Mailing address: The Banner of Truth Radio Broadcast, 950 Ball Ave., N. E., Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503. […]
This interesting and informative article by Rev. Cornelis Prank calls for our most careful attention because it exposes the serious errors of The Living Bible, so popular in our time. Rev. Pronk is a graduate of Calvin Seminary and pastor of the Old Christian Reformed Church in Grand Rapids. He is Radio Pastor of The […]