Church & World

Classis Submits Overtures for 1993 Ratification of Women in All Offices We want to call the attention of our readers to the overture submitted to Classis Grand Rapids East by First CRC. It comes in the political form of an Appeal designed to convince Synod 1993 of the error of Synod 1992. If the Appeal […]

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GRANDVILLE, MI (February 24, 1993) – Classis Grandville’s January 21 regular meeting voted down a proposal to lift the deposition status of Beverly CRC (independent) pastor, Rev. Art Besteman. After twice closing its doors for a two hour long executive session, classis also authorized its “ad hoc assistance committee” to “engage appropriate legal counsel, and if necessary pursue legal action with the […]

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• John E. Kim leads 15 churches, CRC’s Second-Largest Church to secession • First General Synod of Korean Reformed Presbyterian Church in America to meet in October; expected to have at least 9 classes, 55 congregations GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (August 9,1993) – Long-simmering Korean dissent against trends in the Christian Reformed denomination finally boiled over at […]

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GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (September 29, 1994) RBPS – In the wake of seven written protests and a storm of public criticism, Classis Grand Rapids East of the Christian Reformed denomination voted on September 15 to revise its July 21 decision “that classis permit its individual churches the freedom to decide whether or not the word […]

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Grand Rapids, MI (January 26, 1994) RBPS – In a letter sent to each family in the 311,000-member Christian Reformed denomination, the CRC’s top denominational board reported that it has “observed with increasing disappointment and concern the various negative statements and charges which are being leveled,” and “concluded that a response is necessary lest anyone […]

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Church & World: April 1994

Calvin Bremer Declines Nomination for CRC General Secretary; Calvin Seminary Prof Tapped a Next Choice GRAND RAPIDS, MI (February 16, 1994) RBPS – In a surprise development, the man selected for presentation to synod as the sole nominee for the Christian Reformed denomination’s top position of General Secretary has declined the nomination. Dr. Calvin Bremer […]

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Church & World July/August 1994

Classis Grand Rapids East Votes “In Principle” to Permit Churches to Disobey CRC Synod’s Ban on Women Elders GRAND RAPIDS, MICH. (July 21, 1994) RBPS – Synod 1994 of the Christian Reformed denomination voted to declare that “the clear teaching of Scripture prohibits women holding the office of minister, elder, and evangelist,” but some advocates […]

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Church & World October 1994

Second Woman Pastor to Serve Christian Reformed Church • Mary-Lee Bouma to “teach, expound the Word of God, and provide pastoral care” as unordained solo pastor of Trinity CRC, Mt. Pleasant, Michigan (September 2, 1994) RBPS – On Sunday, August 28, 1994, Mary-Lee Bouma became the second female pastor in the 300,320-member Christian Reformed denomination, […]

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GRAND RAPIDS, Mich. RBPS – After completing its deliberations on women in office, Classis Grand Rapids East rejected a proposal from Neland Avenue CRC to exclude “publicly outspoken proponents and opponents on a controversial matter” from the synodical advisory committees studying such matters. However, according to Neland Avenue council president Dr. Andrew Bandstra, the church […]

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Church & World May 1995

Minnesota South Asks Synod to Disenfranchise Churches with Women Elders and Terminate Members from CRC Committees PIPESTONE, Minn. RBPS – Acting on an overture from Luverne (MN) Christian Reformed Church, Classis Minnesota South submitted a three-part overture to Synod 1995 that would ban churches with women elders from sending delegates to synod, ban members of […]

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